Kastuck, Steve: Daniel Morgan - The Rifleman for Snare Drum

Artikel-Nr.: 014-407
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This is a difficult grade 6 snare drum solo. Anyone performing this technically demanding solo will need the musicianship of a virtuoso marksman, just as Daniel Morgan's riflemen needed to be sharpshooters.

Written in honor of two other Virginians and patriots, - Senators John Warner and Robert Byrd. This solo includes historical and biographical information about Daniel Morgan, Senator John Warner and Senator Robert Byrd.

This solo contains simple and complex poly-rhythmic rhythms and meters, a full range of demanding dynamics and tempos. A solid understanding of abbreviated notation is required by the performer for correct interpretation. This solo will surely reduce a "Tornado" into a gale force wind when played accurately. THE RIFLEMAN will definitely impress any judges at competition or college/university audition. This solo is also included in the snare drum book "Rhythmic Designs" by Steve Kastuck.

“This rudimental snare drum solo, written in a fairly traditional style, begins in 4/4 with sixteenth notes performed with accents and diddles. After repeating the opening
section, a more fragmented section occurs and triplets are introduced. Eventually, other meters begin to appear including 6/8 and a more complex section written in 4/8 + 3/8. The use of quarter-note triplets in this section makes it particularly challenging. After another section in 6/8, material similar to the open­ing reappears in 4/4 and the solo ends by gradually fading to pp.
"The Rifleman" requires a player with rhythmic security and strong roll and flam technique. Its fre­quent dynamic changes will de­mand much control and musicality.”


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