Donati, Virgil: Ultimate Play-along Drum Trax (Buch + 2CDs)

Artikel-Nr.: 024-1056
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

Finally, the book drummers worldwide have been waiting for, the ultimate drum transcription with audio play-along from drumming pioneer Virgil Donati. This package presents songs selected from two of Virgil's classic recordings, Serious Young Insects (On The Virg) and Universe (Planet X). These explosive compositions, mixed with and without drums, are meticulously transcribed and broken down. Included are several breakout exercises with audio loops and double bass drum performances that have been slowed down for easy understanding and execution. Also included are simple song charts and road maps to follow along with to improve your skills. A must-have for Virgil's fans, this book will take you inside the artistic and rhythmic mind of one of the true inspirational visionaries in the drumming community!
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Drumset Play-alongs A-J