Berg, Daniel: Easy Solos Vol. 1

Artikel-Nr.: 044-199
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

Easy Solos for Mallets Vol. 1 - 8 S.; 5 kurze Stücke für Anfänger 4-Schlägel-Technik; auf Xylo, Vibra oder Marimba spielbar

"In the early 1970s the legendary percussionist Mitchell Peters composed unforgettable works for the young marimba player such as Sea Reflections and Yellow after the Rain. Now Daniel Berg continues Peters pedagogical idea of ​​a repertoire that is idiomatic while musically challenging for the young percussionist. 

This booklet contains five solo pieces with four mallets for vibraphone, xylophone or marimba. All works have the range F-F and can therefore be played on any mallet instrument."

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Marimba(Xylo) Solo leicht