CD Nexus & Fritz Hauser, Out of the Blue

Artikel-Nr.: 171-890

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18,00 €
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Out of the Blue (2006) - 45 Min.; Becker, Away without Leave; Hauser, Time flies; Nexus/Hauser, Out of the Blue. Fritz Hauser, drumset; B.Becker, B.Cahn, Engelman, Hartenberger, Kvistad, percussion.

NEXUS & Fritz Hauser - out of the blue

Nexus Records 10814

click on MP3 link below to hear an mp3 audio excerpt

1. Away without Leave - 5:09

2. time flies - 14:45

3. out of the blue - 25:08 MP3


Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: CD Klassik, Neue Musik M-O