Our Double Helix Series was developed to bring out the warmth of the fundamental throughout the range of the 5- octave marimba. The relaxed yarn tension on these mallets enhances the smooth, dark attack of the mallet. There are several innovations that have been incorporated in this new series of mallets. The most obvious innovation is the two-color appearance. Other mallets have been made with numerous colors, but the multiple colors are a result of using one piece of yarn that is multi-colored. The Marimba One Double Helix mallets are wound using 2 separate pieces of yarn that are wrapped simultaneously using a patent pending process. The use of two separate pieces of yarn allows Marimba One to not only blend two colors of yarn but also to blend two types of yarn. The current line of mallets is wound using either wool-based and nylon based yarns or two types of wool yarn. The use of two types of yarn permits the creation of tones or sounds that are not possible using one type of yarn. Another innovation, which is not obvious to the eye but is unique to Marimba One mallets, is the production of dual core mallets using what is called over-molding. In this patent pending process, Marimba One utilizes some of the latest injection molded polymers that are layered using the injection molding process. All other dual core mallets that we are aware of use a hard inner core that is wrapped with latex rubber, gauze, or a latex or rubber tube, to soften the sound of the mallet until it is played with a relatively strong striking force. By carefully layering hard and soft materials within the injection molding process, we are able to design mallets that are extremely consistent and that also have an expanded tonal range on the marimba. The injection molding process also allows for the insertion of metal weights of various sizes to custom tune the weight of the mallet head. Using this technique, we are able to build a small heavy mallet as well as a small light mallet of the exact same size and exact same hardness; or a large light mallet as well as a large heavy mallet of the exact same size and exact same hardness. The combination of various polymers in the mallet heads and various weighted mallet heads, enables us to create a huge variety of sounds. Combined with control of yarn tension, number of yarn wraps, quality control of both rattan and birch handles, and the dual yarn wrapping technique, the variations of mallet sounds become almost limitless.