...make percussion your personal entertainment
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Mo. - Fr.: 9:00 - 13.00 Uhr
Hinweis: Alle Preise verstehen sich inklusive gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer und zzgl. Versand
...and the Earth melted into the Sun for large Percussion Ensemble - 6 Min.; mittelschwer, 14-15 Spieler; Glockenspiel, Röhrenglocken, 2 Vibra, 2 Marimba, 4 Pauken, Bongos, Bremstrommel, Drumset, 2 Becken, wind chimes, Guiro, Bass Drum, Tam-Tam, Shaker, Bass Guitar (optional)
Audio Demo
A large Percussion Ensemble for 14 plus and optional Bass Guitar is about the imagery of the giant mass of the Earth cascading into the Sun and vanishing as if nothing was ever there. Pretty cool.