...make percussion your personal entertainment
Product no.: 067-3024
Percussionflauto für Flöte und Schlagzeug (1 Spieler) - 18'30 Min.; schwer; Xylo, Vibra, Tria., WBl., Bongos, Schellen, chin. Bck. |
39.00 €
Product no.: 067-3046
Arioso for Flute and Vibraphone - 2 Min.; Arranged by M-H Gauthier-Lurty; 4 Mallets, intermediate |
12.00 €
Product no.: 067-302
Movimento III für Flöte und Vibra - kurzes Vortragsstück, 4 Schlägel, schwer
10.00 €
Product no.: 067-338#
Ulysse pour flute et percussion - Neue Musik; Vibra, 2 Crotales, 2 WBl., 4 TBl., Bck., Gong, 2 Tams, Kl.Tr., 2 Toms, Gr.Tr.; advanced
17.50 €
Product no.: 067-303
Triptychon für Blockflöte und Schlagzeug - 3 kurze Stücke, Baßbl., Altbl., Tenorbl. (1 Spieler), Schlagzeug: Marimba (4 Schlägel), 5 TBI., 3 WBI., Bongos, 2 Toms, 3 Becken, 3 Gongs, Tam, mittelschwer
10.00 €
Product no.: 067-378
Vier Interludien für Blöckflöte und Schlagzeug - 14 S.; Vibra, 3 Bck., Tria., 3 Tam-Tams, 5 TBl., WBl., 3 Tom-Toms; mittelschwer
18.00 €
Product no.: 067-343
Kaleidoscope for Flute & Percussion - 7'45 Min.; Marimba, Glsp., 2 Bck., 5 TBl., Bell Tree, Tamb.; schwer
10.00 €
Product no.: 067-3014
Scenes from the Holy Land for Flute and Percussion - 15'30 Min.; 5 Movements; advanced; Marimba, Cymbal, Tamb., 2 Bongos, WBl., Wind chimes, Agogo
21.44 €
Product no.: 067-3013
Sky Blossoms for Flute and Percussion - 7'30 Min.; intermediate to advanced; Vibra, Glsp., 5 Roto-toms, Bass Drum, Tamb., Cowb., 2 Cymbals, Wind chimes, Belltree, Tam-Tam, 5 Tbl., Maracas, Lion roar
16.08 €
Product no.: 067-3012
Stellar Visions for Flute and Marimba - 6'40 Min.; A-Marimba, 4 Mallets; advanced
14.62 €
Product no.: 067-344
Wave Train for Flute and Marimba - 6'30 Min.; 4 Schlägel, mittel bis schwer.
12.00 €
Product no.: 067-300
Five Preludes for flute and percussion ad lib. - 5 kurze Sätze, Vibra, Crotale, wood chimes, Tam, 4 Becken, 2 Triangel, Bongo, Gr. Tr., Gong, versch. Trommeln u. a., mittelschwer
9.00 €
Product no.: 067-328
Ten Pieces for Flute and Percussion - 10 kleine Stücke; Crotales, 3 Toms, Bambusflöte, 6 Cowbells, Vibra, Triangel, 2 Kamelglöckchen, eisenglocke, Gr.Tr., 2 Becken, Tam, Gong; mittelschwer.
21.00 €
Product no.: 067-364
Intermezzo für Flöte und Vibraphon - 2 Min.; 2 Schl., mittelschwer
16.00 €
Product no.: 067-332
Duettino concertante für Flöte & Percussion - 11 Min.; 4 Sätze; schwer; Tenor Dr., Field Dr., 2 Kl.Tr., 4 Bongos, WBl., Tria., 2 Bck.
13.50 €
Product no.: 067-396
Pantomimes pour Flute et Marimba - 6 Min.; 5 short movements, 4 mall., intermediate to advanced |
21.00 €
Product no.: 067-3042
En Bateau for Flute and Vibraphone - 3 Min.; arranged by M-H Gauthier-Lurty; 4 Mallets, intermediate |
12.90 €
Product no.: 067-380
Sonate für Blockflöte und Schlagzeug op.73 - 11 Min.; Schlagzeug mittel bis schwer; Marimba, Xylo, 5 TBl., 5 Tom-Toms, 2 Roto-Toms, 4 Bck., Gong
17.90 €
Product no.: 067-381
Eclipse pour Flute et Percussion - 9'40 Min.; schwer. Vibra, 2 Congas, 2 Bongos, Bck.
12.00 €
Product no.: 067-3036
Flute et Sticks for Flute and Vibraphone - 12'30 Min.; 3 Movements, 4 Mallets, advanced |
15.90 €
Product no.: 067-3037
Le Temps d'un Soupir for Flute and Vibraphone - 7'30 Min.; 4 Mallets, advanced |
10.00 €
Product no.: 067-3038
Na brasa for transverse Flute and Vibraphone - 4 Min.; 4 Mallets, advanced |
12.00 €
Product no.: 067-304
Thoughts for Flute and Vibraphon - 4 Schlägel, mittelschwer
12.50 €
Product no.: 067-914
Summer Rain für Oboe (oder Querflöte) und A-Marimba - 3 Min.; 4 Schl., mittelschwer |
10.00 €
Product no.: 046-2016
Melancouleur for vibraphone solo or with flute (violin, cello) - 2'50 min .; 4 mallets, intermediate. Includes 4 versions: 1. Vibra Solo, 2. Vibra and Flute, 3. Vibra and Violin, 4. Vibra and Violoncello |
12.00 €
Product no.: 067-3044
Humoresque for Flute and Vibraphone - 2 Min.; arrangement of Dvorak's op. 101 Nr. 7 by M-H Gauthier-Lurty; 4 Mallets, intermediate |
9.90 €
Product no.: 067-341
Sonata per Flauto e Marimbaphono "Wood and Wind" - 4 Sätze, 4 Schl., schwer.
17.30 €
Product no.: 067-374
Narziss für Sopranblockflöte und Schlagzeug - 10 Min.; Pauke in C, 3 Blechdosen, 2 Röhrengl. (a,b), 4 hängende Flaschen, 1 Cymb.ant. (in g), 2 Tom-Toms, WBl., TBl., Chimes, Tria.; schwer
26.50 €
Product no.: 044-876
Allegretto for solo marimba and as duo - from the 24 Etudes op. 48, edit. by Andreas Schwarz for marimba solo or marimba duo or marimba in duo with vibraphone / violin / flute / saxophone / clarinet; 56 pages (scores and 7 parts), intermediate |
12.90 €
Product no.: 067-3034
Concertante duo for flute and percussion - 12 min.; medium to advanced; Vibraphone, free choose of percussion instruments, for example: TBl., Finger cymbals, Triangle, Cymbals, Maracas, etc .; also improvisation parts |
12.00 €
Product no.: 067-360
Casi Una Trunca for Marimba & Flute - 8 Min.; 4 Schl., schwer
28.50 €
Product no.: 067-3021
Duggan Theme for Flute & Marimba - 1'30 Min.; A-Marimba, 7/8-Takt, intermediate to advanced
33.00 €
Product no.: 067-384
Kembang Suling for Flute & Marimba (Score + Part) - 3 Sätze, 4 Schl., schwer; inspiriert durch balinesische Gamelan-Melodien und indische Skalen.
39.00 €
Product no.: 067-305
Impression Nr.1 für Flöte und Vibra - 4'50 Min., 4 Schlägel, mittelschwer
14.00 €
Product no.: 067-377
Spiegelungen à 2 für Flöte und Percussion - ca. 10 Min.; 5 Impressionen; Gr.Tr., Congas, Kl.Tr., Bongos, 4 TBl., Bck., Cowb.; intermediate
15.00 €
Product no.: 067-361
Striae for Vibraphone and Flute - 9 Min.; 4 Schl., schwer; Neue Musik, rhythmisch sehr kompliziert
38.00 €
Product no.: 067-306
Concerto piccolo für Blockflöte und Schlagzeug - Adagio, Dialog, Andante tranquillo, Vivo leggiero, Klage, Finale. Schwer. Vibra, Marimba, Pauke, 4 Felltrommeln, 4 TBI., Tamburin, Becken, Crotale, HiHat, Tam. Blockflöten: Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Baß
23.80 €
Product no.: 067-351
Duo für Flöte und Schlagzeug - 14 Min., 3 Sätze, schwer; Marimba, Xylo, Tam, 3 Gongs, 4 Trommeln, 4 Bck., 4 WBl., 1 Pauke
18.00 €
Product no.: 068-247
Introspection No. 1 for Vibraphone and Soprano Saxophone - 6-7 Min.; 4 mallets, intermediate; Saxophone Part can also be played by Tenor Sax, Bb Clarinet or Flute. |
19.00 €
Product no.: 067-388
Elfentrilogie für Marimba und Sopranblockflöte - 10 Min.; 3 Movements, intermediate |
12.00 €
Product no.: 067-322#
Le Mutevoli Forme für Flöte und Percussion - 13 Min., Neue Musik, schwer; 4 Pauken, 3 chin.Becken, 1 Becken, 2 jap.Tempelglocken, Triangel. |
42.80 €
Product no.: 067-3029
Two Baroque Movements for Flute, Marimba and Violoncello (ad lib.) - Arrangement after J.S.Bach, 2 Movements: Bourree from Lautensuite, Siciliano from Flötensonate; 4 Mallets, intermediate |
21.00 €
Product no.: 067-3028
Wächterlied op. 12 Nr. 3 for Flute and Marimba - 3 Min.; arrangement after Edvard Grieg (Guardian Song); 4 Mallets, intermediate |
13.90 €
Product no.: 066-243
Mind the Gap für Schlagzeug, Flöte & Streichorchester - ca. 13 Min.; 2 WBl., 8 Metall-Klänge, 6 Toms, Bass Drum (+Pedal), Bck.; Score
20.00 €
Product no.: 067-3027
O mio babbino caro for flute and vibraphone - 2 Min.; arrangement of Puccini-Aria from "Gianni Schicchi"; 4 Mallets, intermediate |
11.50 €
Product no.: 066-244
Mind the Gap für Schlagzeug, Flöte & Streichorchester - Parts
45.00 €
Product no.: 067-3025
Printemps for Transverse Flute and Percussion - aprox. 2 Min.; Vibraphon, Crotales; dedicated to Karin Bonelli, 4 mallets, tonal. "Die schimmernden Vibraphonklänge bilden mit dem warmen Flötenklang eine effektvolle Klangfarbe und stellen das farbenreiche Erwachen des Frühlings dar." |
12.00 €
Product no.: 067-373
Caisse ksé st'orkest? Pièce no.1 pour flute et percussion - 1'30 Min.; Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr., Bck., Peitsche; beginner to intermediate
10.00 €
Product no.: 067-398
Arctic Dreams I for Flute, Vibra and Digital Audio (Book + CD) - 6'45 Min.; 4 mall.; + play-along-music on CD; advanced
45.00 €
Product no.: 067-307
Gassenhauer für Sopran-Blockflöte und kleine Trommel - 6 Min., Neue Musik, humorvoll, schwer
13.90 €
1 - 50 of 68 results |