...make percussion your personal entertainment
Product no.: 130-135
The Final Countdown for Percussion Ensemble (8 players) - 4'22 Min.; arrangement of hit of Europe for Bells, Xylo, Marimba (3 players), Vibra, Tubular Bells, 4 timpani, Drumset; easy to intermediate |
39.90 €
Product no.: 130-134
Viva la Vida for percussion octet - 4'35 min .; Arrangement of the Coldplay title for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (2 players), Vibra, Tubular Bells, 4 Timpani, Drumset; easy to intermediate |
39.90 €
Product no.: 130-123
Octopus for Percussion Octet - 7'30 Min.; three Titels: Czardas, Farmhouse Rock, Rhythm & Blues. Xylo, Marimba, Tamb., WBl., Kl.Tr., 2 Pk., Cowb., Drumset, easy
19.99 €
Product no.: 130-115
Tuno Popularo for Percussion Ensemble (8 Spieler) - 2 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (2 player), Claves, Bongos, Maracas, Congas; easy; Set (Score + Parts)
14.00 €
Product no.: 130-120
Who let the dogs out für Percussion Ensemble - 1'45 Min.; Bearbeit. von Will Rapp, Rock-Titel; Xylo, Glsp., Vibra, marimba, 2 Pk., Drumset, Cowb., Timbales, Shaker; leicht
33.99 €
Product no.: 130-102
Conga Brazil (8 - 14 Spieler) - 5 Min., Brasilianische Impression. Agogo, Vibraslap, Congas, Afuche, Timbales, Guiro, Bongos, Cuica, Maracas, Schellenreif, Triangel, Tubo, Tamborim, Marimba, leicht
25.00 €
Product no.: 130-103
Dello-Bar - 3 Min., Crescendo für Percussion-Ensemble, türkische Tanzweise; 8-13 Spieler, auch chorische Besetzung denkbar; Kompositionsprinzip wie bei Ravels "Bolero", nur 2 Spielpartituren! Verschiedene Metall-, Holz- und Fell-Instrumente, Vorsc
8.50 €
Product no.: 130-114
Lydian Game für Percussion-Ensemble (8 Spieler) - ca. 5 Min.; teilw. improvisiert; Xylo, Vibra, Marimba, 2 Congas, 2 Bongos, Guiro, 5 Rototoms, Tria., Cowb., Drumset; easy |
15.00 €
Product no.: 130-116
Timpania for Percussion Octet - 2'30 Min.; 2 Pk., Tria., WBl., Bck., Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr., 2 Toms; leicht
28.00 €
Product no.: 130-129
Status Cymbals for 4 Cymbal Players and Percussion Quartet - 2'30 Min.; 8 Player; Ride, Crash, Swish & Splash Cymbal; Snare Dr., Bass Dr., 2 Timp., Conga; easy |
13.00 €
Product no.: 130-124
Stick Steady for Percussion Octet - 2 Min.; 2 Bck., Kastagn., Tamb., Tria., 3 Tom-Toms, Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr.; leicht
19.50 €
Product no.: 130-131
Sonidos Caribenos for Percussion Ensemble - 4 Min.; easy to intermediate; Lyra (Glsp.), Xylo, Vibra, 2 Marimba, Drumset, Cencero, Cabasa, Pandeira, Bongos |
16.00 €
Product no.: 130-109#
Three Scenes from the Scioto for Percussion Ensemble - 10 Min.; 8-14 Player; Xylo, Vibra, 2 Marimba, Baß-Marimba, 6 Pauken, Bongos, Glsp., Kl.Tr., Maracas, u.a., Klavier ad lib.; beginner
39.97 €
Product no.: 130-119
Eli Green's Cake Walk for Percussin Ensemble - 1'30 Min.; Titel von 1896, bearb. von M.Mordant. 2 Xylos, Marimba, Vibra, Bass-Marimba, 2 Pk., Perc. ad lib., Drumset; leicht
35.00 €
Product no.: 130-118
Wabash Samba for Percussion Octet - 3'30 Min.; 3 Marimbas, Vibra, Glsp., Samba Whistle, Metal Shaker, Repinique, WBl., Agogo, Tamborim, Kl.Tr., Surdo; leicht
26.00 €
Product no.: 130-117
Spoum - für 8 bis 50 Musiker; 2 Congas, Duffs, Bongos, WBl., Glsp., Bck., Tom, Quiro; leicht
6.50 €
Product no.: 130-105
Percussion Symphonette - 3'15 Min., Glsp., 2 Mallet-Instr., Kl. Tr., 2 Toms, Cowbell, WBl., Becken, Tamb., Gr. Tr., Maracas; leicht
29.00 €
Product no.: 130-106
The Temple of Yang - 2'30 Min., Glsp., 2 Mallet-Instr., Kl. Tr., 2 Toms, TBl., 2 Pauken, Gr. Tr.; leicht
16.50 €
Product no.: 130-122
Caribbean Sea for Percussion Octet - 3 Min.; Xylo, Glsp., Claves, Maracas, 2 Toms, Bongo/Conga, Bck., Cowb., 2 Pk., WBl., Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr.; leicht
25.00 €
Product no.: 130-125
Cool for Percussion Octet - 2 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Röhrengl., Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr., 2 Toms, 2 Bongos, Maracas; leicht
25.00 €
Product no.: 130-130
Dark Star for Percussion Octet - 3 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Chimes (Röhrengl.), 2 timpani, Drumset, Tamb., Tria.; easy |
44.00 €
Product no.: 130-128
Irish Jig for Percussion Octet - 2 Min.; 6/8; Glsp., Xylo, Gr.Tr., Kl.Tr., Tenor Drum, 2 Pk., 3 TBl., Tamb.; leicht
30.00 €
Product no.: 130-121
Latin Spice for Percussion Octet - 3 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr., Cowb., Guiro, 2 Pk., Bongo, Conga.; leicht
46.00 €
Product no.: 130-111
Flight of the Falcon for Percussion Ensemble (8 Spieler) - 4 Min.; Glsp., Tria., Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, Glocken, Tamb., 4 Pk., Kl.Tr., Bck., 3 Toms; leicht bis mittelschwer
39.00 €
Product no.: 130-133
Return to Bayport for Percussion Octet - 2'25 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, Tubular Bells., Snare Drum, 2 Tom-Toms, Cymbals, 2 Pauken, Triangle, easy |
19.00 €
Product no.: 130-132
La Paloma (The Dove - Die Taube) for Percussion Octet - 4'10 Min.; arranged by Murray Houllif for Glsp., Vibra, Marimba, Snare Drum, Bass-Drum, Tom-Tom, Claves, Maracas; easy to intermediate |
51.00 €