Percussion Octet intermediate

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Product no.: 130-269

Sevilla (Sevillanas) for Percussion Octet - 4 Min.; arranged by Christopher Whyte; Solo Marimba, Glockenspiel, Xylo, Vibra, Chimes, Marimba, 3 Timpani, Castanets, Tria., Bass Drum, Tambourine, cymbal. intermediate


46.95 *
Product no.: 130-201
Jazz Variants for Percussion Ensemble - 9 Min., Vibra, Marimba (4 Schlägel), Glsp., 3 Tamb., Röhrenglocken, Bell Tree, Guiro, Triangel, Bongos, Becken, Cowbell, Gr. Tr., Conga, Bongos, 4 Toms, 4 Pauken, Drumset; mittelschwer
14.90 *
Product no.: 130-214
Latin Experience - 2'50 Min.; 8-11 Spieler, 2 Glsp., 2 Xylos, Marimba, 2 Kl.Tr., Timptoms (ad lib.), Becken (ad lib.), Tenordrum, Gr.Tr.; mittelschwer
66.95 *
Product no.: 130-243
Put 2 & 2 Together for Percussion Ensemble - 4 Min.; für Samba-Gruppe (mind. 8 Spieler); leicht bis mittelschwer. Repinique, Tamborim, Quixa, Agogo, Shaker, 3 Surdos; Verdoppelungen möglich, Alternativ-Instr. sind angegeben, mittelschwer
11.80 *
Product no.: 130-215

Ostinato Pianissimo for 8 percussion players - 2'30 Min.; String Piano (2 players), 8 Reisschüsseln, Xylo, 2 WBl., Tamb., Guiro, 2 Bongos, 3 Toms, 3 Gongs; intermediate

32.50 *
Product no.: 130-239
The Hanukah Party for Percussion Octet - 6 Min.; 6 trad. Hanukah Melodien; Glsp., Xylo, Röhrengl., 2 Vibras, 3 Marimbas, 4 Pk.; mittelschwer
23.00 *
Product no.: 130-205
Rondo Barock - 4'30 Min., Rock-Style, Glockenspiel, Vibra, Marimba, Vibraslap, Cowbell, Tamburin, Guiro, Drum Set, 4 Pauken; mittelschwer
22.00 *
Product no.: 130-225
Layers for Percussion Ensemble (8 Players) - 6 Min.; 2 Vibra, 2 Marimba, Tamb., Kastagn., 3 TBl., Cowb., 3 WBl., 2 Kl.Tr., 2 Bongos, Cabasa, 8 Toms; mittelschwer
54.99 *
Product no.: 130-236

No Exit for Eight Percussionists (only score) - 6 Min.; 1.Preis bei PAS-Kompositions-Wettbewerb 1997; 4 Marimbas, Vibra, 3 WBl., 4 Brake Drums, Congas, Maracas, Hi-Hat, 8 Toms, Bongos, 3 Bck., 4 Log Drums, Chimes, Claves, 2 Cowb., Gr.Tr., TBl., 2 Kl.Tr.mittel

20.00 *
Product no.: 130-265

No Exit for Eight Percussionists (Score + Parts) - 6 Min.; 1.Preis bei PAS-Kompositions-Wettbewerb 1997; 4 Marimbas, Vibra, 3 WBl., 4 Brake Drums, Congas, Maracas, Hi-Hat, 8 Toms, Bongos, 3 Bck., 4 Log Drums, Chimes, Claves, 2 Cowb., Gr.Tr., TBl., 2 Kl.Tr.mittel

74.70 *
Product no.: 130-221
One O'Clock Samba for Perc. Ensemble (8 Sp.) - 4 Min.; 2 Vibras, 2 Marimbas, Cabasa, Guiro, Agogo, Claves, Ganza, Mark Tree, Bongos, Congas, Gr.Tr.; mittelschwer
39.99 *
Product no.: 130-264

Hillbilly Heaven for Percussion Octet - 3'25 Min.; Xylo, Vibra, Glsp., Marimba, Drumset, 2 WBl., Tamb., Guiro, intermediate

Sample Page

21.00 *
Product no.: 130-260

City Drive for Percussion Ensemble - 4 Min.; Glsp., Vibra, Xylo, 2 Marimba, Bass Marimba, Congas, Drumset; intermediate

21.00 *
Product no.: 130-254
Tusk! for Percussion Ensemble (8 players) - 5 Min.; Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, 2 Afuche, Whistle, Cowb., Mbira (Kalimba), Bullroar, 3 Tom-Toms, Tenor Dr., Clappers, Agogo, Chimes, 2 Congas, Gr.Tr.; intermediate

Score Samples

Sound Sample

31.68 *
Product no.: 130-267

Chrous of the Bells for Percussion Ensemble (8 Player) - 3 Min.; from the Opera "Pagliacci" arrang. by Gary Dachtyl; Glsp., Xylo, Vibra, 2 Marimbas, Röhrengl. (Chimes), 4 Pauken, Tamtam, cymbal, Tria., intermediate

19.50 *
Product no.: 130-242
Percussion-Pak Begleitcassette; mittelschwer
7.80 *
Product no.: 130-222
Percussion Pak 1 - 2 Stücke für 8 Spieler: Latin Brothers, Story of the Marching Drums; je 3'30 Min.; Kl.Tr., Toms, Becken, Claves, Agogo, Tamb., Conga, Guiro, Gr.Tr., Bongos, Drumset, Tria., Cowbell, Cabasa, Schellen; mittelschwer
16.80 *
Product no.: 130-223
Percussion Pak 2 - 2 Stücke für 8 Spieler: Robot Dance, Answer the Question; je 3 Min.; Cowbells, Congas, Agogo, Toms, Tria., Samba-Whistle, Vibraslap, Cuica, Mallet-Instr., Cabasa, Bck., Kastagn., Klavier (leicht!), TBl. u.a.; mittelschwer
16.80 *
Product no.: 130-206
Afrosil - 1'10 Min., Marimba, Xylo, Vibra, Drumset, Bongos, Maracas, Triangel, 4 Pauken, Congas, Claves; mittelschwer
15.00 *
Product no.: 130-207
Orientale - Vibra, Marimba, 4 Toms, Kl. Tr., Gr. Tr., 4 TBl., Gong, 2 Becken, 2 Pauken; mittelschwer
24.80 *
Product no.: 130-213
Aruba Getaway - kurzes Latin-Stück (karibisch) mit Calypso- und Songo-Rhythmen für 4 belieb. Stabspielinstrumente (2 Schlägel), Congas, Timbales, Bongos, Guiro, Drumset; mittelschwer
15.50 *
Product no.: 130-270

La Samba for Percussion Ensemble - 6 Min.; 8-9 players, intermediate, arranged by Benjamin Wittiber; Bells, Vibraphone, 2 Marimbas, 3 Percussion-Players (Tambourin, 2 Woodbl., Shaker, Cowbell, Bongos, Mark Tree), Drumset, Bass (ad lib.)

27.80 *
Product no.: 130-226
Canon in D for Percussion Ensemble - 9 Min., kann auch mit 9 od. 10 Sp. gesp. werden; 4 Mallet-Instr., 3 Kl.Tr., 3 Bongos, 5 Bck., 2 Gongs, Tam, 5 Crotales, 2 Tria., Tamb., 3 TBl., 3 Wbl., 4 Pedalpauken u.a.; mittelschwer
24.00 *
Product no.: 130-231#
Das Lied für Schlagzeug-Ensemble (8 Player; Score + Parts) - 7/8-Takt; 2 Vibra, 5 Marimba, Röhrenglocken; intermediate
17.55 *
Product no.: 130-261
Mother Earth, Father Sky for Percussion Ensemble (8 Spieler) - 7'30 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Baa Marimba, Vibra, Chimes, Shaker, Bird whistle, thunder sheet, Tria., TBL., Snare Dr., Cymb., Guiro, Bass Dr.; u.a.
33.00 *
Product no.: 130-235
Bonham for 8 Percussionists - Full Score; intermediate
30.50 *
Product no.: 130-234
Bonham for 8 Percussionists - 6 Min.; Score and Parts, dedicated to Drummer John Bonham; Drumset, 5 Pk., 4 Bongos, 8 Toms, 2 Tams, 2 Gr.Tr., 2 Timb., 2 Kl.Tr., Congas, 2 Log Drums, Bck., Kastagn., Cowb., WBl., Maracas, u.a.; intermediate
53.00 *
Product no.: 130-210
A Time for Jazz for Percussion Octet - 3'30 Min., Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, Röhrenglocken, Kameso, 4 Pauken, 4 Toms, Bongos, Drumset; mittelschwer
44.00 *
Product no.: 130-240
Blues and Chaser for Percussion Octet - Blues und Swing; Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Tamb., Röhrengl., Vibra, 4 Pk., 3 Toms, Drumset; mittelschwer
39.00 *
Product no.: 130-218
Caprice diabolique for Percussion Ensemble (8 Spieler) - 3 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, Röhrenglocken, 4 Pauken, Becken, Kl.Tr., 5 TBl., 4 Toms, 2 Bongos; Vibra und Röhrenglocken können auch durch Klavier ersetzt werden; mittelschwer
36.00 *
Product no.: 130-209
Ceremonium - Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Röhrenglocken, 2 Pauken, 2 Becken, Triangel, Kl. Tr., 5 TBl., 3 Toms, Tamb.; mittelschwer
29.90 *
Product no.: 130-266

Fantasia on Native American Music for Percussion Octet - 6'20 Min.; Orchestra Bells/Guiro; Xylophone; Marimba; Vibes; 4 Timpani/ 2 Maracas; Snare Drum/2 Bongos/Wood Block/Athletic or Police Whistle; Bass Drum/Triangle/Sleigh Bells/Cowbell, and 4 Tom-Toms/Suspended Cymbal. intermediate

25.00 *
Product no.: 130-263

Jazzers on the Loose for Percussion Octet - 4'25 Min.; Glsp, Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, Chimes, Kameso (od. Shaker), 4 Pauken, Bongos, 4 Toms, Vibraslap (od. Guiro), Drumset, intermediate


23.50 *
Product no.: 130-245
Legacy for Percussion Ensemble (8 Players) - ca. 10 Min.; leicht bis mittelschwer; Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, Maracas, Tria., Röhrengl. (od. Klavier), 4 Pk., Gr.Tr., Kl.Tr., 4 Tom-Toms, Bck., TBl.; mittelschwer
23.99 *
Product no.: 130-217
Proclamation for Percussion Ensemble - 3 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Röhrenglocken, Vibra, 3 Pauken, Becken, 3 Toms, Triangel, Kl.Tr.; Glocken und Vibra können auch durch Klavier ersetzt werden; mittelschwer
21.50 *
Product no.: 130-262
Rondo Fantastica for Percussion Octet - 4'10 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Vibra, Marimba, 4 Pk., wind chimes, Maracas, 5 TBl., Tria., Gr.Tr., Kl.Tr., Bongos, 4 Toms, Bck., Cabasa; intermediate
24.50 *
Product no.: 130-228
Windstone Suite - 4 Sätze; Glsp., Xylo, Tria., Marimba, Maracas, Glocken (od. Klavier), Schellen, Vibraphon (od. Klavier), 4 Pauken, Kl.Tr., 4 Toms, 5 TBl., Bck., Claves, Wind Chimes.; mittelschwer
56.50 *
Product no.: 130-268

Flight 206 to Paris for Percussion Ensemble - 5 Min.; 8 Player; Xylo, 2 Timpani, Bass Drum, Snare Drum, Cymbal, Tom-toms, Bongos, Congas.

19.00 *
Product no.: 130-249
- 12 Min.; 4 Pk., Logdrums, 3 Bck., Guiro, Tamb., 2 Kl.Tr., Vibraslap, WBl., Conga, 2 Gr.Tr., 2 Tam-Tam, WBl., Maracas, Timbales, Claves, Tenordrum, Kastagn., Cowb., 8 Tom-Toms, 4 Bongos, Drumset; mittelschwer
44.55 *
Product no.: 130-252
Samba Batucada No. 1 for Percussion Ensemble - 2'45 Min.; 3 Surdos, Repinique, Whistle, 3 Tamborims, Shaker, Caixa, Agogo; parts can be doubled.; intermediate
44.84 *
Product no.: 130-257
Drummers Chaos Paradise #5 für Percussion Ensemble (8 players) - 2 Min.; 2 Drumsets, Timbales, Cascara, Bongos, Congas, Djembe, 2 Cowb.; easy to intermediate
17.00 *
Product no.: 130-258

Sambao Funk für Percussion Ensemble (8 players) - 3'30 Min.; Drumset, Snare, Floor Tom, Tria., Agogo, Cowb., Congas, Claves, Tamb., Bongos; intermediate

17.00 *
* Prices incl. VAT, plus Shipping