...make percussion your personal entertainment
Product no.: 110-332
Perc MKMBW für 6 Schlagzeuger - 11'30 Min.; Neue Musik; Spielpartitur; Xylo, Vibra, Marimba, Röhrengl., Glsp., 2 Pk., WBl., 3 Kl.Tr., Conga, Tamb., Cowb., Gr.Tr., Rainmaker, Berimbeau, Crotales, Tam u.a.; schwer
16.80 €
Product no.: 110-238
Drumexperience - 5'30 Min.; Drumset, Cymbals, Bongos, Cowbell, Tenordrum, Bassdrum, 2 Snaredrum, 2 WBl. easy to intermediate |
76.00 €
/ pair(s)
Product no.: 110-324
Continuum for 6 percussionists - 12 min., Rhythmically free, partly graphic, only score, 2 xylorimbas, marimba, 3 vibras, 2 glockenspiels, tubular bells, 13 crotales, 4 cowbells, 5 timpani, 9 gongs, 6 maracas, 4 triangle, 9 TBl .; advanced |
21.95 €
Product no.: 110-256
Prelude for Percussion Sextet - 6 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Tom, Kl.Tr., WBl., 3 Bck., Peitsche, Tamb., Tria., Gr.Tr., 4 Pedalpauken; mittelschwer
19.00 €
Product no.: 110-1023
Eye of the Tiger für Percussion Sextett - 3 Min.; Arrangement of the Theme from Rock III for Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, 4 Timpani, 3 Cymbals, Drumset; easy to intermediate |
39.90 €
Product no.: 110-1021
In the Summertime for Percussion Sextet - 2 Min.; Arrangement of Mungo Jerry's Hit for Glsp., Xylo 2 Marimbas (also playable on 1 Marimba), 4 Timpani, Drumset; easy to intermediate |
39.90 €
Product no.: 110-219
Praca Maua - 3'30 Min., Brasilianischer Karnevalsmarsch, Kl. Tr., Gr. Tr., Toms, Becken und verschiedene südamerik. Rhythmusinstrumente; mittelschwer
38.50 €
Product no.: 110-386
Thai Song for Percussion Sextet - 16 Min.; new music, only score (hand-written), dedicated to Les Percussions de Strasbourg; single parts only rental material; 52 Thai Gongs; advanced |
30.80 €
Product no.: 110-1022
Smoke on the Water für Percussion Sextett - 2 Min.; Arrangement of the Deep Purple-Title for Glsp., Tubular Bells. Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, 4 Timpani, Drumset; easy to intermediate |
39.90 €
Product no.: 110-349
Four Seasons in Percussion f. 6 Spieler - 4 Sätze entspr. den 4 Jahreszeiten, versch. Stile; Vibra, Xylo, Marimba, Drumset, Timbales, Bongos, 4 Pk., Cowb., Gr.Tr., Tam, Bck., Flexaton u.a.; advanced
21.00 €
Product no.: 110-220
Emotion - 2'30 Min., Vibra, Xylo, Glsp., Drumset, Kastagnetten, 4 Pauken, Finger Cymbal, Triangel, Guiro, Cabasa; mittelschwer
15.00 €
Product no.: 110-369
Klangwelten für Percussion Sextett - 10 Min.; 2 Marimbas, 2 Vibras, Glsp., Djembe, 4 Toms, u.a.; schwer
25.00 €
Product no.: 110-221
Mallets Timings Blues - 2 Min., Vibra (4 Schlägel), Xylo, Marimba, Drumset, 4 Pauken, Gr. Tr., Becken; mittelschwer
15.00 €
Product no.: 110-162
Drive für Percussion-Sextett - 2'30 Min.; 2 Pk., Gr.Tr., Kl.Tr., Toms, Bongos, Bck., Tenortrommel, Basler Trommel (od. Snare Drum); leicht
14.00 €
Product no.: 110-222
Mambologo - 3 Min., Triangel, Agogo, Tamb., Congas, 2 Drumsets, Vibraslap, Cabasa, 4 Bongos, Tom, Kl. Tr.; mittelschwer
16.00 €
Product no.: 110-337
Musik im Bauch für 6 Schlagzeuger und 12 Spieluhren - 33 Min., Neue Musik; 3 x 2 Oktaven Crotales, Glsp., 3 Ruten, 1,5 Okt. Klangplatten (od. Gongs), Brummkreisel, Marimba; schwer
62.00 €
Product no.: 110-157
Under the Sea for Percussion Ensemble (6 Sp. oder mehr) - 4 Min.; bearb. nach Disney's "Little Mermaid"; Xylo, Glsp., Vibra, Marimba, 4 Pk., Shaker, Cowb., Timbales; leicht bis mittelschwer
42.50 €
Product no.: 110-223
Movi-Rock - 4 Min., 3 Drumsets, Tamb., Congas, 2 Pauken (C, G), Bongos; mittelschwer
18.00 €
Product no.: 110-356
Ursprung/Gläntor for Percussion Sextet - 8'30 Min., für Kroumata Ens. geschr.; nur Partitur; 7 Paar Cymbales antiques, 2 Paar Bck., Wind chimes, Bamboo chimes, Maracas, Cabasa, Shaker, 2 Tamb., 2 Frame Drums, Tsuzumi (jap. Trommel), 2 Bongos, 2 Co
39.90 €
Product no.: 110-124
Kpanlogo - 3'22 Min., Arrangement eines trad. afrikanischen Tanzes aus Ghana; 2 Cowbells, 2 Congas, Agogo, Surdo (Tom), leicht
28.00 €
Product no.: 110-382
Catching Shadows for Percussion Sextet - 7'30 Min.; 5-Octave + 4.3-Octave Marimbas, 2 Vibraphones, Glockenspiel, 2 Cajons, cymbal, Hi-Hat, Crotales (optional); intermediate to advanced |
89.50 €
Product no.: 110-224
Rumba-Parti - 2 Min., Drumset, 2 TBl., Tamb., Cabasa, 2 Pauken (C, G), Congas, Vibraslap, Peitsche, Triangel, Bongos, Ratsche, Agogo, Maracas, Claves, Guiro, Kastagnetten; mittelschwer
16.00 €
Product no.: 110-225
Snob-Dance - 3 Min., 3 Drumsets, Bongos, Congas, Tamb., Cabasa, 2 Pauken (G, C), Vibraslap, 4 TBl.; mittelschwer
17.50 €
Product no.: 110-368
(Kommunikation. Brüllen - Flüstern, Murmeln) - 7 Min.; polyrhythm. komplex; Gr.Tr., 2 Toms, Sizzlebck., Kl.Tr., Claves, Tria, Fingerzymbeln, Djembe, Afuche, Holztom, Timbales, TBl., Vibraslap, Cowb., WBl., Bongos, Schellen; schwer
23.50 €
Product no.: 110-125
Sickle Tickle - 9 Min., Xylo, 2 Marimbas, Becken, Kl.Tr., Triangel, Gr.Tr., 4 Pauken; leicht
53.95 €
Product no.: 110-226
Toccata Swing - 2'30 Min., 3 Drumsets, Xylo, Vibra (4 Schlägel), Tamb., Congas; mittelschwer
15.00 €
Product no.: 110-367
Construction Club 240 für 6 Schlagzeuger - 14 Min.; Xylo, 3 Pk., Glsp., 3 Vibra, 24 Crotales, 2 Marimba, 19 Röhrengl., Gongs, Cowbells, TBl., Bongos, Kl.Tr., Guiro, u.v.a.; schwer
89.00 €
Product no.: 110-111
Divertimento Ritmico - 3 Min., Kl. Tr., Tom, Triangel, 2 TBl., Gr. Tr., 2 Pauken (G, C), Tamb., Kastagnetten, Maracas, Guiro, Cabasa, Claves, Bongos; leicht
15.00 €
Product no.: 110-112
Ritmologo - 3 Min., Xylo, Vibra, Kastagnetten, Gr. Tr., Kl. Tr., Bongos, 2 Pauken, Triangel, Cabasa, Becken, Claves, 3 TBl., Vibraslap; leicht
15.00 €
Product no.: 110-265
Reggievision for Percussion Sextet - 4 Min.; Vibra, Marimba, Log Drums, 3 Toms, Gr.Tr., Tria., Shaker, Cowb., Vibraslap, Claves; mittelschwer
22.00 €
Product no.: 110-1038
Sunrise Relay for Young Percussion Ensemble (6 Players) - 3-4 Min.; easy; inspired by traditional elements from Ghana and Mexico; 3 Mallet-Player, Djembe, Conga, Shekere, Agogo, and other |
19.90 €
Product no.: 110-113
Sambaco für Schlagzeug-Sextett - 2'30 Min., 2 Triangel, Vibraslap, Kastagnetten, Cabasa, 2 Bongos, 3 Toms, Drum Set, 2 Pauken, Tamburin; leicht
15.00 €
Product no.: 110-325
Persephassa pour six percussionistes - 20 Min., nur Partitur, sehr viele verschiedene Holz-, Fell- und Metallinstrumente; schwer
28.99 €
Product no.: 110-266
The Uruk-Hai ("The Battle") for Percussion Sextet - 8 Min.; Solo-Drumset; 5 Toms, Tam, Bck., 4 Kl.Tr., 3 Brake Drums, 2 Gr.Tr.; mittelschwer
26.00 €
Product no.: 110-343
Rise Of A Japanese Day for Percussion Sextet - 6 Min.; 2 Xylos, Vibra, Marimba, 4 Pauken, 7 Bck., Finger Cymbals, Chimes, 3 WBl., 2 Tams, 4 Toms, Schlitztrommel; schwer
39.80 €
Product no.: 110-147
Check-Side for Percussion Sextet - leicht bis mittel; Drumset, Pauken, Guiro, Bongos, Maracas, Tria., Beatring, Cowb., Claves, Peitsche, WBl., Kastagn., 2 Trommeln; leicht
30.00 €
Product no.: 110-334
2 + 4 Zusammenklang für 6 x Percussion - 20-25 Min., Neue Musik, Spielpartitur, 3 Tempelgl., 6 Cowb., 3 Toms, Vibra, 2 Pk., 2 Congas, Kl.Tr., 4 Gongs, Xylo, Glsp., Röhrengl., 3 Tam, Gr.Tr., 3 Wbl., Marimba, 5 TBl., 4 Bongos, u.a.; advanced
25.30 €
Product no.: 110-283
African Montuno for Percussion Sextet - verwendet afrik. Bembe- und Montuno-Rhythmus; Glsp., Xylo, 2 WBl., Shaker, Congas, Timbales, Cowb., Shekere, 5 TBl., Guiro, Agogo, Bongos, Bck., Gr.Tr., Claves; mittelschwer
19.50 €
Product no.: 110-114
Vier deutsche Tänze - 4 Mallet-Spieler (Glsp., Xylo, Vibra, Marimba), Becken, Schellen, 3 Triangel, 2 Pauken, 2 Toms; leicht
12.50 €
Product no.: 110-199
Crossfire 1 for Percussion Sextet - 4'30 Min.; 3 Snare Drums, 3 Tom Toms, 1 Tam Tam; Individual Parts on the CD-Rom for printing, easy |
21.00 €
Product no.: 110-116
The Winding River - Marimba, Klavier, Kl. Tr., 4 TBl., 4 Toms, Becken, Gong, 2 Pauken; leicht
31.00 €
Product no.: 110-284
Tears of Time for Percussion Sextet - 8 Min.; only score, no parts! 2 Marimba, Vibra, Drumset, 4 Pauken, Congas, Bongos, Tria., Röhrengl., Kl.Tr., Tamb., Bck.; intermediate
10.20 €
Product no.: 110-115
Whole-Tone Fantasy - Xylo, Vibra, Kl. Tr., 4 Toms, Triangel, Becken, Gr. Tr.; leicht
14.00 €
Product no.: 110-286
Klassische Studien f. Schlagzeug-Sextett - 5 Sätze im klass. Orchester-Stil; 4 Pk.; 2 Kl.Tr., Glsp., Xylo, Becken, Gr.Tr., Tam-Tam, Tria., Tamb.; mittelschwer
18.00 €
Product no.: 110-130
Gavotte for Percussion Sextet - 3 Min.; Glsp., 2 Pk., Tria., Bck., Tamb., Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr.; leicht
14.00 €
Product no.: 110-227
A la Samba - 3'30 Min., Xylo, Glockenspiel, Marimba, 4 Pauken u. a.; mittelschwer
29.90 €
Product no.: 110-192
Six Cool Guys for Percussion Sextet - 2 Min.; Bongos, Congas, Bass Drum, 4 Pk., 4 Toms, Snare Drum, Hihat; easy
15.50 €
Product no.: 110-292
- 6 Min.; 2 Marimbas, Vibra, Xylo, Glsp., 2 WBl., Gr.Tr., 3 Bck., Cowb., 2 Rototoms, Kl.Tr., Cabaza, Pfeife, Timbale, Crotale; mittelschwer
38.00 €
Product no.: 090-2101
Baya Baya for Percussion Ensemble (Quartet/Sextet) - 5'50 Min.; arrangement of Dance-Music-Tracks by Benjamin Leuschner for Quartet or Sextett: Drumset, 2 Floor Toms, Marimba, Vibra, Glsp., 3 Roto-Toms, Congas oder Bongos, Ocean Drum, Susp.Cymbal, 2 Shaker, Claves; intermediate |
25.90 €
Product no.: 110-117
Percussion Piece - 1'20 Min., Kl. Tr., Gr. Tr., Glockenspiel, Tamburin, Triangel, Becken, Xylo, 2 Pauken; leicht
11.00 €
151 - 200 of 237 results |