Percussion Quartet

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Product no.: 090-2270

&n¥&?,iaturas Brasileiras, Drei brasilianische Miniaturen - 5 Min., Kleine Zwölfton-Samba - Interludium - Embolada, Aufführung mit bis zu 19 Spielern möglich. Vibra, 2 Pauken, Glockenspiel, Xylo, Triangel, Tom, Tam, Rührtromme,u.a.l; mittelschwer

22.00 *
Product no.: 090-371
Tsi-Shin-Kut/Erdgeist-Ritual für vier Schlagzeuger und elektronische Klänge - Neue Musik, Partitur; Glsp., Gr.Tr., Glass Chimes, Caxixi, Guiro, 4 Tom-Toms, Gong, Tam-Tam, 2 Timbales, Tamb., Maracas, u.a.; schwer
25.99 *
Product no.: 090-139

Ritmo Bagatello + Quattro Stazione für Perc. Quartett - 2 kurze Stücke mit Vorübungen; WBl., Tom, Maracas, Pauke (Gr.Tr.); easy

14.00 *
Product no.: 090-381
Conversation in the Forest I für Marimba und 3 Schlagzeuger - ca. 10 Min.; 4-Oktav- (Low-C) od. 4 1/2 Oktav- (Low-F)-Marimba; 18 versch. Holzinstr., 18 versch. Metallinstr., 2 Bongos, 3 Tom-Toms, 2 Gr.Tr.; schwer
43.00 *
Product no.: 090-2010
The Pink Panther (+ Baß) - 2'45 Min., Swing; Glockenspiel, Xylo, Marimba, Bongos, Vibra, Drum Set und Kontrabaß; mittelschwer
14.90 *
Product no.: 090-410
Reflections on Japanese Childrens Songs III (2 Marimbas, 2 Perc.) - Bearbeitung f. 2 Marimbas (5-Oktav u. 4 1/2 Okt.) und 2 Perc.Spieler: 5 WBl., 4 Tom-Toms, 2 Bass Dr., Naruko, Bongos, 1 Okt. Crotales, Wind Chimes, 4 Mokusho, Tam, Bck., Belltree, 3 Kin, 1 Pk., Ratsche.
96.99 *
Product no.: 090-2094

4 in the Pocket for Percussion Quartet - 4 Min.; 3 TBl., Tamb., Tria., Cowb., Snare Drum, Bongos, HiHat, 2 Toms, Bass Drum; intermediate


39.00 *
Product no.: 090-321
Kartini of Bulgaria, Bilder aus Bulgarien - 6'50 Min., Balkan - Trakia - Rodopi - Pirin, Glsp., 4 Toms, Vibraslap, Afuche, Triangel, Vibra, Congas, Kl. Tr., Waldteufel, Tamb., Marimba, 5 TBl., 2 Becken, Bongos, 4 Pauken, Agogo; advanced
25.00 *
Product no.: 090-142

Tremollino Malletino/A la Pentatonie - 2 kurze Stücke für 2 Stabspiele (2 Schlägel), Tom-Tom und Tamburin, mit Vorübungen; easy

14.00 *
Product no.: 090-2077

Campane a Festa for Percussion Quartet - 3'30 Min.; Drumset, Snare Drum, 4 Bongos, 5 Cymbals, Claves, 2 WBl., Tria., Cowb., Guiro, Sleigh Bells, intermediate

25.00 *
Product no.: 090-2280
Chagall flies away over his sleeping Witebsk - 15 Min., nur Spielpartitur, 7 Java-Gongs, 3 Tams, Lastra, 2 Metallblöcke, Flexaton; mittelschwer
9.99 *
Product no.: 090-391
CaDance for 4 Percussionists - 10 Min.; nur Partitur; 8 Tom-Toms, 2 Hi-Hat, 2 Bck.; schwer
23.00 *
Product no.: 090-435

Onde del male for percussion quartet - 5'40 Min.; Gr.Tr., 4 WBl., 6 Bck., 3 Kl.Tr., 6 Tom-Toms, advanced

49.80 *
Product no.: 090-153
Trommeli Tom-Tom/Trim Tram Trom Trum für Percussion-Quartett - 2 leichte Ensembles f. Anfänger; 2 Bongos, Conga, 2 Toms, Pauke (od. Gr.Tr.); easy
15.50 *
Product no.: 090-2052
Divertimento for Percussion-Quartet (Buch + CD) - 3'30 Min.; Score + Parts; Drumset, 2 Bongos, 2 Timbales, 2 Timpani (A-D); intermediate
33.14 *
Product no.: 090-167
Moderato für Schlagzeugensemble (4 Spieler) - 4 Min.; Drumset, 2 Bongos, 2 Timbales, 2 WBl., Tria., Schellen, Claves, Vibraslap, Cowb.; leicht
30.00 *
Product no.: 090-2064
Drummers Parade für Schlagzeugquartett - ca. 4 Min.; 3 Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr.; intermediate
16.00 *
Product no.: 090-429
Dans for 4 percusionistas y electronica (Buch + CD) - 8'20 Min.; 2 Bongos, 4 Congas, 2 Taiko drums, 2 Logdrums, 3 WBl., 10 TBl., Claves, Guiro, rainstick; electronic part auf CD; advanced
29.90 *
Product no.: 090-415
Tracce di un cammino for percussion quartett - 25 Min.; Glsp., 2 Vibras, 4 timp., B.Drum, tub.bells, 2 Snare Dr., 12 Bongos, 2 WBl., 3 camb., Cowb., Cabasa, 2 Trial, Tam-Tam, u.a.; advanced
63.36 *
Product no.: 090-2043
Frammento für Percussion Quartett - 3'30 Min.; 7/8-Takt; 2 Pauken, Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr., Hi-Hat, chin. Bck., 2 Tom-Toms; mittelschwer
25.00 *
Product no.: 090-375
a la sombra de La Higuera für 4 Schlagzeuger - 16 Min.; Neue Musik, teilw. rhythm. frei; Baß-Marimba, Metallophon, Xylo, Vibra, Flexaton, 9 Bck., 2 Gr.Tr., Kl.Tr., 4 Holztoms, Gong, Schlitztrommel, 5 WBl., 1 Pauke, u.a.; schwer
29.00 *
Product no.: 090-422

Tinplay for Percussion Quartet - 7 Min.; 2 Hi-Hat, 2 Bongos, 13 tin cans, 5 TBl., Crotales, 2 Bck., 3 Gr.Tr., Kl.Tr., 6 Toms, 2 WBl., 4 Octabans, brake drum, 3 metal pipes, metal objects., advanced

69.90 *
Product no.: 090-125
Turkish March for Percussion Quartet - 1'40 Min.; 1 Stabspielinstr., Tamb., Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr., Triangel; leicht
17.00 *
Product no.: 090-2062

Schlagzeugquartett - 6 Min.; Marimba, 3 Pk., 3 Gr.Tr., Kl.Tr., Cowb., 4 WBl., Tam-Tam, 2 Bck., Chimes, 9 Toms, 2 chin. Bck.; intermediate

20.00 *
Product no.: 090-2091

Perpetuo für Schlagzeugquartett - 8 Min.; 2 Snare Drum., Bass Drum, Hi-Hat, Bell-Cymbals, Ride-Cymbals, 2 Tria., Xylo, Stand-Tom, Glsp., Ambos, Bells, 3 Cymbals, Bongos, WBl., Cowb.; intermediate

39.00 *
Product no.: 090-158
Märkische Ritmen for Percussion Quartet - 2 Min.; Kl.Tr., 2 WBl., Rührtr., Bongos, 3 Toms; leicht
18.50 *
Product no.: 090-343
Ricercar à tre für Percussion Quartett - Bearb. der Nr.1 aus dem Musikalischen Opfer; Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, Glsp., Pk., Gr.Tr., WBl., TBl., Gongs, Tams, Bck., Triangel. (Mallets alle je 2 Schl.); schwer
31.00 *
Product no.: 090-438

4BY4 for Percussion Quartet - ca. 8 Min.; 8 Tom-Toms, 4 Kick Drums, 3 Hi-Hat, 2 Congas, 2 Snare Drums, 3 Bck., advanced


64.00 *
Product no.: 090-2074

Traffico for percussion quartet - 3'25 Min.; Drumset, Timb., Bongo, Bells, Cowb., WBl., Bck., Claves, Whip, Bike-bell, electric Bell, Tria., Whistle, intermediate

29.90 *
Product no.: 090-2098

Colours of Percussion for Percussion Quartet - ca. 5 Min.; Congas, Djembe, Cajon, Frame Drum, Sansula, Gong, Small Tam-Tam, Body Percussion, Dundun, Glocke, Gong; intermediate

31.00 *
Product no.: 090-160
Quatro Percussionisti for Percussion Quartet - 3 Min.; Kl.Tr., Agogo, Guiro, Beatring, Bongos, Timbales, Gr.Tr.; leicht
23.50 *
Product no.: 090-2750

Phaethon for Percussion Quartet - aus sich wiederholenden Patterns aufgebaut; 3 Toms, Gr.Tr., Bassdrum, Bck., 2 WBl., Tam.; mittelschwer

12.30 *
Product no.: 090-417

Fratres for 4 percussionists - 11 Min.; score; 2 Marimbas, 2 Vibras, Glsp., WBl., Spring, Bass Drum; advanced

19.95 *
Product no.: 090-419
Rounders for Marimba and Percussion Trio - ca. 12 Min.; commissioned f. 2009 Paris Marimba Competition; Marimba, Vibra, Hi-Hat, Snaredrum, 2 Bck., Tam-Tam, Bongos, Congas, Darabuka, Sizzle, Belltree, Glsp., Crotales, Rainstick, Djembe, 3 Toms, Bass Drum, Logdrum; advanced
58.00 *
Product no.: 090-159
Spanish Variations for Percussion Quartet - 2 Min.; Kl.Tr., 2 WBl., Rührtr., Tamb., Kastagn., 3 TBl.; leicht
18.50 *
Product no.: 090-187
Nachsitzen + Rhythmix für Percussion Quartett - Nachsitzen: 3 Min.; ohne Instr., mit Bleistift, Lineal u. Finger klopfen; Rhythmix: 3 Min.; 4 Tom-Toms; easy
14.50 *
Product no.: 090-2079

The Prevailing Eighth Note for Percussion Quartet - 8 Min.; Bongos, Timbales, 8 Tom-Toms, 4 Bass Drums, intermediate

16.50 *
Product no.: 090-413
Overture for Percussion Quartet - 6 Min.; Xylo, Vibra, 2 Marimba, Röhrengl. (Tubular Bells), Bongos, , 3 Timpani, 6 Bck., Tamb., 5 Tom-Toms, Tam-Tam, 5 TBl.; advanced
24.37 *
Product no.: 090-418

Fratres for 4 percussionists - 11 Min.; set of parts; 2 Marimbas, 2 Vibras, Glsp., WBl., Spring, Bass Drum; advanced

31.95 *
Product no.: 090-2700
Allegretto for Percussion Quartet - 3'30 Min.; 2 Kl.Tr., Tria., WBl., Kastagn., Tom, Bck., Gr.Tr.; intermediate
21.00 *
Product no.: 090-2087

Four Horsemen for Rudimental Quartet - 3'30 Min.; 2 Snare Drums, Tenor Drum, Bass Drum, intermediate

youtube Video

16.00 *
Product no.: 090-186
More Quartopus for Percussion - 7'30 Min.; 3 short Quartets: Up to eight - Rondino - Fun4Us; Claves, Bongos, Cowbell, Congas, Tamb., Tria., 3 TBl., Drumset, 2 Pk.; easy
20.99 *
Product no.: 090-388
Schlagzeilen op. 49 (1997/2000) für 4 Schlagzeuger (Partitur + Stimmen) - 12 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Vibra, Marimba, 4 Bongos, 4 Timbales, 4 Toms, 2 Congas, Claves, 4 Tria., 3 Gongs, 5 TBl., 4 Bck., 6 WBl., Tam-Tam, Glasschimes; schwer
48.00 *
Product no.: 090-302
Living Room Music (Percussion and Speech Quartet) - 6 Min., nur Spielpartitur! Haushaltsobjekte als Instrumente, ein beliebiges Melodie-Instrument, Mittelteil als rhythmisches Sprechen
21.95 *
Product no.: 090-2104

A(-)Minor Loop Construction for percussion quartet and live electronics - built from grooves and patterns; cymbals, bass drum, metal sounds, cowbell, marimba; intermediate

16.50 *
Product no.: 090-2620
Argillos für Percussion-Quartett - 5 Min.; Xylo (2 Schl.), 3 Bck., 3 Toms, 4 Pk.; mittelschwer
19.00 *
Product no.: 090-2930
Teamwork for Quartet - 2'30 Min.; Rudimental-Quartett f. 2 Snare Drums, Tenor Drum und Bass Drum.; mittelschwer
15.00 *
Product no.: 090-434

Drumming Part One - study score - 20 Min.; 4 pair of tuned Bongos; paperback size, advanced

21.00 *
Product no.: 090-304
She is asleep - 4 Min., 12 Toms, hauptsächlich mit Fingern gespielt; schwer
29.80 *
Product no.: 090-193

Quartopus Extra for Percussion-Quartet - 6'30 Min.; 3 easy Quartets; Drumset, Cowb., Maracas, Bongos, Claves, Tria., Tamb., 3 TBl.

19.99 *
* Prices incl. VAT, plus Shipping
1 - 50 of 377 results