Percussion Quartet

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301 - 350 of 377 results
Product no.: 090-2440

African Sketches for Percussion Quartet - 5 Min., 4 Toms, Log Drum, Guiro, 2 Cowbells, Maracas; intermediate

15.00 *
Product no.: 090-154
Swingin' Along for Percussion Quartet - 2 Min.; Kl.Tr., Bck., Gr.Tr., Tamb.; leicht
5.95 *
Product no.: 090-2058

Pakehuda Boguto für Schlagzeugquartett - 4 Min.; 4 Bass Dr,. 4 Tomtoms, 2 Claves, 2 WBl.; intermediate

24.00 *
Product no.: 090-411
Quadrance for Percussion Quartet - ca. 6 Min.; Xylo, Vibra, 2 Marimbas, Bongos, 2 Cowb., 4 Bck., 2 Log Drums (4), B.Dr., Tom-Toms, 2 Congas, 2 Thai Gongs; advanced
31.68 *
Product no.: 090-111
Bachiana für Schlagzeug - 4 Sätze, Bearbeitungen von Bach-Themen für 4-6 Spieler; Glockenspiel, Xylo, Marimba, 2 Triangel, Vibra, Glocken, 2 Becken, Tamburin, Kl. Tr.; leicht
21.00 *
Product no.: 090-1025

Groove Pilots March for Percussion-Ensemble (4 Player) - 2 Min.; 3 Snare Drums, Bass Drum, easy to intermediate


11.00 *
Product no.: 090-2013
Tepe für 4 Schlagzeuger - 9 Min.; ruhig, geheimnisvoll, inspiriert von türkischer Sufimusik; Marimba, Crotales (od. Glsp.), 2 Bongos, Conga, 4 Bck., 3 Toms, Gr.Tr., Tamb.; auch Version f. 5-10 Spieler; mittelschwer
26.50 *
Product no.: 090-1026

Mathematix for Percussion-Ensemble (4 Player) - 2 Min.; Bongos, Congas, Djembe, Cowb.; easy

12.50 *
Product no.: 090-1044

Percussive Attack for Percussion Quartett - ca. 5 Min.; Congas, Cajon, Voice, Body Percussion, Tambourine, Woodbl., Cowb., 2 Shaker, Stick, 2 Bells; easy

29.90 *
Product no.: 090-432

Meditation für Schlagzeugquartett - 6 Min.; Vibra, Marimba, 4 Pauken, Tam-Tam, HiHat, Bck., Tria., Tom-Tom, Vibraslap, advanced

18.50 *
Product no.: 090-2096

Fire Percussion for 4 percussionists - 3-4 min.; Pop Latin Style; Congas, 2 Timpani, Drumset, Maracas, 2 TBl., Guiro, Cymbals; intermediate

14.00 *
Product no.: 090-170
Flex-Ability Pops for Percussion Quartet - 11 Pop-Titel f. 2 Mallet-Spieler und 2 Perc.Spieler (Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr., Tamb., Cowb., Bck. u.a.): Eye of the Tiger, When the Saints, La Bamba, Peter Gunn, Celebration, Soul Man, Sweet Georgia Brown u.a.; lei
10.95 *
Product no.: 090-2730
Thyme for Percussion Quartet - 5 Min.; 3 Toms, 3 TBl., Kl.Tr., 4 Bck.; mittelschwer
22.00 *
Product no.: 090-170CD
CD Flex-Ability Pops for Percussion Quartet - enthält Demo- und Mitspiel-Version.
13.95 *
Product no.: 090-426
Scratch for 4 Players - 17 S., 5 Movements, sehr rhythmisch, 4 Scrapers (or Guiros); advanced
59.00 *
Product no.: 090-112
Arhus-Etude Nr.1 für 4 Spieler - 1 Min.; Kl. Tr., 2 Toms, Triangel, Gr. Tr., 3 Pauken; leicht
12.99 *
Product no.: 090-352
Messa per Percussione op. 122 (4 Spieler) - 23 Min.; Vertonung des lateinischen Textes (gesprochen); Marimba, Vibra, Glsp., Tria., Crotales, 2 Cowb., 2 Bck., 4 Gongs, Tam, Chimes, Tamb., WBl., 3 Toms, 2 Bongos, Kl.Tr., Rührtr., Gr.Tr.; schwer
19.00 *
Product no.: 090-2011
African Wind für Schlagzeug-Quartett - 6 Min.; 2 Marimba, Vibra, 3 TBl., Gr.Tr., Bck.; mittelschwer
14.50 *
Product no.: 090-320
Etudes chorégraphiques (4 Spieler) - 10 Min., Version für 6 Spieler siehe "Sextett", nur Spielpartitur! Vibra, Xylo, Glockenspiel, Gr. Tr., Kl. Tr., Rührtrommel, Schellentrommel, 4 Toms, Becken, Tam, WBl., Maracas, Amboß, Gong, Triangel, Glocken;
23.00 *
Product no.: 090-113
Arhus-Etude Nr.4 für 4 Spieler - 1 Min., Triangel, Kl. Tr., Becken, Gr. Tr.; beginner. Bent Lylloff's Arhus Etude No.4 arranged for percussion ensemble. Parts for Triangle, Snare Drum, Cymbal and Bass Drum.
11.99 *
Product no.: 090-2099

Kopetzki, Eckhard: Andalusia for Percussion Ensemble (4-5 players) - 4 Min.; Vibra, Marimba, Drumset, optional 5th player on Percussion (Bongo, Cowbell); easy to intermediate

Marimba 1 + 2 can be played on one marimba

13.50 *
Product no.: 090-129
Latin Movements - 3 Teile: Cinquilo, Montuno, Brazil; 2 Kl.Tr., Rührtr., Becken, Timbales, Cowbell, Bongos, Congas, Maracas, Drums, Tamburin, Guiro, Triangel; leicht
28.50 *
Product no.: 090-2101

Baya Baya for Percussion Ensemble (Quartet/Sextet) - 5'50 Min.; arrangement of Dance-Music-Tracks by Benjamin Leuschner for Quartet or Sextett: Drumset, 2 Floor Toms, Marimba, Vibra, Glsp., 3 Roto-Toms, Congas oder Bongos, Ocean Drum, Susp.Cymbal, 2 Shaker, Claves; intermediate


25.90 *
Product no.: 090-2041
Bamboo Leaves for Percussion Ensemble (4-6 Spieler) - 3 Min.; Vibra, Marimba (2 Spieler), Drumset; ad lib. WBl., Toms, Cowb.; mittelschwer
13.50 *
Product no.: 090-180
La cuisine du Pere Lustucru pour 4 percussionnistes - 3 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (od. Vibra), Tom, Kl.Tr., Tria., Bck., Vibraslap, WBl.; beginner
19.00 *
Product no.: 090-2026
Drums Ahead for 4 Percussionists - 4 Min.; 2 Bongos, 4 Tom-Toms, Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr.; mittelschwer
12.50 *
Product no.: 090-144
Extra Time for Percussion Quartet - 3 Min., 2 Kl.Tr., Tenor Drum, Gr.Tr.; leicht bis mittel
16.50 *
Product no.: 090-2046

Fiesta Del Sol für Mallet-Percussion Ensemble (4-6 players) - 8'15 Min.; Latin; Vibra, Marimba, Drumset, Cowb., Agogo, Bongos, Tom-Tom; ad lib. players 5 and 6: Kl.Tr., Shaker, WBl., Tom-Tom; intermediate

15.50 *
Product no.: 090-164
Ding-Dang-Dong für Percussion-Quartett - 4 Min.; leicht bis mittelschwer; Glsp., Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr., Hi-Hat, Tom, Bck., Tamb., Tria., Cowb.; leicht
17.00 *
Product no.: 090-2012
Fusion Mallets für Vibra, Marimba und Percussion - 6 Min.; 2 Marimba, Vibra, Drumset; intermediate
14.50 *
Product no.: 090-114
Swing it straight for Percussion Quartet - 4 Min., Glsp., Kl. Tr., Rührtr., Triangel, Tenortr., WBl., Gr. Tr.; leicht
20.00 *
Product no.: 090-2970
Kalläers für Schlagzeugquartett - 6 Min.; 2 Bongos, 4 Congas, Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr.; intermediate
14.50 *
Product no.: 090-188
Musicbox Lullaby for Percussion Quartet - 2 Min.; Vibra, 2 Glsp., 2 Pk., Ratsche (Ratchet); easy
16.00 *
Product no.: 090-2076

Mosaiques Africaines for Quartet - 5 Min.; african "Groove", Marimba (2 player), Vibra, Drumset; optional parts for Saxophone and Djembe, intermediate

15.50 *
Product no.: 090-1027

Multiples Percussion Quartett No. 2 - 4 Min.; easy to intermediate; Snare Drum, Floortom, 2 Tria., 3 crash cymbals, Tam-Tam, Sarna Bells

10.90 *
Product no.: 090-2063

Rhythm Attacca for Mallet-Percussion Ensemble - folkloristischer 13/8-Takt mit groovigen Rhythmen f. 3 Malletspieler, Drumset und opt. Percussion (5. Spieler); intermediate

15.50 *
Product no.: 090-181
Samo for Percussion Quartet - 3 Min.; 2 Bongos, Kl.Tr., Hi- Hat, Gr.Tr.; leicht
15.00 *

In stock

Product no.: 090-2061
Ivory Coast for Percussiontrio to Quintet - 4 pieces in Latin-Style; 1xTrio, 2x Quartet, 1x Quintet; Drum-Set, Djembe, and small percussion, intermediate
9.80 *
Product no.: 090-2054

Swing Encore for Percussion Quartet - 1'30 Min.; "swinging" encore- or concert piece; Marimba (2 players), Vibra, Snare Drum; intermediate

9.00 *
Product no.: 090-174
Step by Step für Percussion-Quartett - 2 Min.; Xylo, 2 Pk., Bongos, Drumset; leicht
11.80 *
Product no.: 090-2042
Tequila Sunrise für Percussion Ensemble (4-6 Spieler) - 4 Min.; Vibra, Marimba (2 Spieler), Drumset; ad lib. Bongos, Cowb., mittelschwer
13.50 *
Product no.: 090-2102

No Jack for Percussion Quartett - 4 Min.; 2 Cajons, 2 drum heads; intermediate;

The word Cajon backwards is the namesake of the title. Latin rhythms and elements of minimal music form the musical basis of the piece

14.70 *
Product no.: 090-2072

Koncussion for Percussion Quartet - easy to intermediate, with Improvisation parts; 2 Drumsets, Djembe, Vibraslap, Jam Block, Bongos


10.80 *
Product no.: 090-2066

Young Young for Marimba Solo and 3 percussionists - 7 Min.; Marimba, Vibra, Gr.Tr., 2 Bck., 3 Dosen (tin cans), Maracas, 4 Toms, 3 brakedrums, 2 Blumentöpfe (flowerpots); intermediate

18.90 *
Product no.: 090-152
Suite for Percussion Quartet - 4 kl. Sätze; Kl.Tr., Tria., 2 WBl., 2 Bck., Gr.Tr., 3 TBl., Glsp., 2 Pk.; leicht
15.95 *
Product no.: 090-2840
Nine Grandmas Once Met... for Percussion Quartet - 3 Min.; Bearb. einer tradit. Melodie, 7/8-Takt; 2 Xylos (2 Schl.), Marimba (4 Schl.), Tupan (od. Gr.Tr.); mittelschwer
23.50 *
Product no.: 090-1038

Distant Stars for Percussion Quartet - 1 Min.; Snare Drum, 4 Tom-Toms, Bass Drum; easy

15.00 *
Product no.: 090-2260
- Dieses Stück eignet sich sehr gut dafür, die einzelnen Percussion-Instrumente dem Publikum vorzustellen. Beschreibende Texte (englisch) und Musikbeispiele sind zusätzlich enthalten. Glockenspiel, Glocken, Crotales, Xylo, 4 Pauken u. a.
32.00 *
Product no.: 090-1024
New Friends March for Percussion Ensemble - 1'30 Min.; 2 Mallet-Instr., Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Tamb., Bck.; easy
15.00 *
Product no.: 090-2059
Seven Up für Percussionquartett - 6 Min.; in 7/8; Vibra, Marimba, B.Dr., 4 Tomtoms, 4 cymb., Bongos, 5 TBl., Tria.; intermediate
17.00 *
* Prices incl. VAT, plus Shipping
301 - 350 of 377 results