Drumset Solo Grade intermediate

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51 - 72 of 72 results
Product no.: 025-210
Flitation Solo für Drum Set - 3'20 Min.; mittelschwer
7.50 *
Product no.: 025-264

Drei Soli für Drumset - 8 Min.; Rockin' Drumming, Drum Walk, Latin Joker; intermediate

14.00 *
Product no.: 025-251
Edifiant for Drumset Solo - 1'30 Min.; mittelschwer
11.00 *
Product no.: 025-238
Funky Sixteens for Drumset - 2 Min.; mittelschwer
11.50 *
Product no.: 025-250
Go Ahead for Drumset Solo - 2 Min.; mittelschwer
10.00 *
Product no.: 025-279

Insane Drum Sheets - 14 solo performances, work as a pure solo, but there are also backing tracks to play along with (stream or download); medium to difficult

14.90 *
Product no.: 025-220
Jazz Rock for Drumset - 2 Min.; mittelschwer
10.00 *
Product no.: 160-271
Drums in one go - 50 S.; Sammlung von Solos, Duos und Ensembles für Snare Drum, Drumset und Percussion; leicht bis mittelschwer
17.50 *
Product no.: 025-244

Easy Goin' für Drumset Solo - 3 Min.; Funky, intermediate

Sample: mp3

5.00 *
Product no.: 025-223
I Remember for Drumset - trad. westafrik. Tanzrhythmen; Drums + 2 Cowb. + 2 Shekeres. mittelschwer
15.50 *
Product no.: 025-265
Four Solos for Drumkit - 4 kurze Soli: F1 Champion - Referee - Bossa Encanto - Feel the 3; intermediate
12.00 *
Product no.: 025-267

Four Solos for Drumkit II -Drumsoli with special Themes: Tomtoms, Groove, Double Bass Drumming, medium

Duration Time: 1:30-2 min.

12.00 *
Product no.: 025-272

Fancy Dance für Drumset Solo - 4'18 Min.; intermediate

18.00 *
Product no.: 025-274

Twelve Sound for Set-Up Solo - 3'10 Min.; Snare Drums, 3 Toms, Bass Drum mit Pedal, Bongos, Crash Becken, Ride-Becken, Cowbell; intermediate

16.00 *
Product no.: 025-212
...to rock for Admiral Shunk - 3'40 Min.; mittelschwer
10.00 *
Product no.: 025-211
Rondo for Drumset - 3'30 Min., Swing-Stil; mittelschwer
7.50 *
Product no.: 025-213
10 progressive Soli für Drumset - 10 kurze Stücke von leicht bis schwer aus Rock, Funk, Fusion, Blues; versch. Autoren.; intermediate
15.00 *
Product no.: 025-213CD
CD 10 progressive Soli für Drumset - Demo-CD zu den gleichnamigen Noten
10.00 *
Product no.: 025-271

Trinity College London Drum Kit Grades 03-05 - 62 pages; Solos and exercises for Trinity College London Exams 2020-2023, intermediate. Demo and play along tracks available as online download

30.00 *
Product no.: 025-277

Become a King of Drums Band 2 - 20 pages; 15 intermediate Soli for Drumset

23.00 *
Product no.: 025-275

French Suite for Drumset Solo - 13 Min.; 7 movements in style of a french suite; intermediate

15.00 *
Product no.: 025-276

Two Drumsolos Swing/Rock - Swing Liner/Jazz, Richi Rich/Rock; intermediate


12.00 *
* Prices incl. VAT, plus Shipping
51 - 72 of 72 results