...make percussion your personal entertainment
Product no.: 044-622
Autumn Marimba for Marimba Solo - 2'45 Min.; 4 Schl., C-Marimba; schwer
9.00 €
Product no.: 044-621
Chorimba for Marimba Solo - 2'20 Min.; 4 Schl., F-Marimba; schwer
7.00 €
Product no.: 046-562 |
26.90 €
Product no.: 044-623
Marimbala for Marimba Solo - 3 Min.; 4 Schl., C-Marimba; schwer
9.00 €
Product no.: 044-3148
Morning Dance for Marimba Solo - 5'42 Min.; 4 mallets; advanced
10.72 €
Product no.: 044-564
Rhythm Dance for Marimba - 5 Min.; 4 Schl.; schwer
14.00 €
Product no.: 044-564-A
Rhythm Dance for Marimba (A-Marimba-Version) - 5 Min.; 4 Schl.; schwer; Version für A-Marimba
14.00 €
Product no.: 044-3412
Room of Live for Marimba Solo - 5 Min.; 5-Oktav-Marimba, 4 mallets |
14.80 €
Product no.: 044-3016
The Traveller for Marimba Solo - 5 Min.; 4 Schl.; schwer
15.00 €
Product no.: 044-3409
Varsovia for Marimba Solo - 6 Min.; 5-Oktav-Marimba, advanced |
15.00 €
Product no.: 044-3394
Secret Dialogues for Solo Marimba - 12 Min.; new music, advanced |
37.00 €
Product no.: 044-447#
Passacaglia Variations for solo marimba - 4 Schl., schwer.
12.00 €
Product no.: 044-3362
Red Dragonfly for Solo Marimba - 5 Min.; Arrangement of a Japanese children's song for 5-octave marimba by Fumito Nunoya; 4 mallets; advanced |
20.00 €
Product no.: 044-3215
Jing Marimba for Solo Marimba - 4 Min., 2 Mallets; nach einem Motiv aus Beijing Opera; advanced
11.50 €
Product no.: 044-419#
Hommage à K pour marimba - 4 Min., 4 Schlägel; schwer
8.00 €
Product no.: 044-3397
Rachmaninov au Marimba - 8 Min; for 5-Oktav-Marimba, uses themes from Rachmaninoff's piano works ; advanced |
15.90 €
Product no.: 044-3399
Tchaikovsky au Marimba - 5 Min; for 5-Oktav-Marimba, uses themes from Tchaikovsky's works ; advanced |
16.50 €
Product no.: 044-3266
Black Velvet for Solo Marimba - 5'30 Min.; 4 mallets, 5-Octave-Marimba, advanced |
22.00 €
Product no.: 044-3348
Il Tuo Sorriso for Marimba Solo - ca. 5 Min.; 5-Octave-Marimba, 4 mallets; intermediate to advanced |
16.00 €
Product no.: 044-3324
Listen per Marimba Solo - 4 pages; 4 Mallets, with smooth and rhythmical sections; advanced; obligatory piece for the competition Marimba Festiva Bamberg 2016 |
14.00 €
Product no.: 044-3164
Contemporary Serbian Works for Marimba & Percussion Solo - 6 titles from Serbian composers competition 2008, edited by N.Zivkovic: Pacek-Vetnic, Nordlicht f. Marimba + Suite No.2 for Drumset; Nikolic, Marimbophonia + Drops for Drumset; Nesic, Sonate for 31st Nov. for Marimba; Brkljacic, The Great Little for Marimba: advanced
special price valid until 31.12.09 |
15.00 €
Product no.: 044-402
Drei phantastische Lieder - 6 Min., 4 Schlägel; schwer
10.00 €
Product no.: 044-416
Drei unverbindliche Stücke für Marimba solo - Song for Simone; Andante for Uta; Walzer for Herbert; 4 Schlägel, tonal; schwer
12.00 €
Product no.: 044-403
Fluctus per Marimbafono op.16 - 3'30 Min., 2 Schlägel, energisch und virtuos, freie Ausbrüche und rhythmische Teile; schwer
10.00 €
Product no.: 044-3313
Homo Balcanicus for Marimba Solo - 6 Min.; tonal, slawisch, rhapsodischer Eröffnungsteil, grooviger Mittelteil; + Conga (oder Tom-Tom); 5-Oktav-Marimba, 4 Mallets; im Stil von Ilijas, advanced |
16.00 €
Product no.: 044-517
Ilijas für Marimba Solo - 4 Schl., für R.Kite, virtuos; schwer
12.80 €
Product no.: 044-474
Les Violons Morts für Marimba solo - 4 Min.; 4 Schl.; ruhig, melancholisch; schwer
10.00 €
Product no.: 044-3197
Magma for Marimba Solo - 7 Min.; 5-Oktav-Marimba, 4 mallets; advanced
16.00 €
Product no.: 044-904
Xylo-Fun - 55 pages; 25 Musical Sketches for Xylophone, Glockenspiel and Vibraphone; 2 mallets intermediate to advanced |
23.00 €
Product no.: 044-404
Tensio op.11 - 7'30 Min., new edition 2008; 4 mallets, new music; advanced
18.00 €
Product no.: 044-475
Ultimatum I für Marimba solo - 7 Min.; 4 Schl.; virtuos, groovend, melodiöse zeitgen. Musik; schwer
16.00 €
Product no.: 044-3274
Afwa Yuovu for Solo Marimba - 5'30 Min.; 4 mallets, advanced |
24.00 €
51 - 82 of 82 results |