Marimba(Xylo) Solo beginning

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1 - 50 of 106 results
Product no.: 044-1034

Four Mallet Music - 62 pages; 9 etudes and 5 solo pieces for 4 mallets; easy to intermediate, includes exercises covering different technial aspects;  MP3-Audios to Download; Text english/spanish

27.95 *
Product no.: 044-147
Minuet in G for Unaccoomp. Solo Mallet Instrument - 3 Min.; 2 Schl., leicht
9.00 *
Product no.: 044-199

Easy Solos for Mallets Vol. 1 - 8 pages; 5 short pieces for beginners in the 4-Mallet-Technic; to be played on Xylo, Vibra or Marimba

21.00 *
Product no.: 044-1011

Easy Solos for Mallets Vol. 2 - 7 pages; 5 short pieces for beginner on 4-Mallets-Technic; to be played on Xylo, Vibra or Marimba

21.00 *
Product no.: 044-1014

Easy Solos for Mallets Vol. 3 - 12 Pages; 5 short pieces for beginners 4-Mallet-Technique; to be played on Xylo, Vibra or Marimba


21.00 *
Product no.: 044-1018

Easy Solos for Mallets Vol. 4 - 13 P.; 5 short pieces for beginners 4-Mallet-Technic; to be plaied on Xylo, Vibra or Marimba, easy

21.00 *
Product no.: 044-136
Marimb'Un pour Marimba - 7 kurze Stücke, 4 Schl.-Anfänger; leicht
11.00 *
Product no.: 044-122
Mallet Percussion The Competition Collection - 14 kleine Stücke, leicht bis mittelschwer, 2 Schl.
8.95 *
Product no.: 044-102
Simple Solos for Mallets - 10 short pieces for beginners, 2 mallets; for any keyboard percussion instrument
12.00 *
Product no.: 044-1019

Tequila Sunrise for Marimba Solo - 4-5 Min.; 4 mallets; easy to intermediate, playable on an A-Marimba

16.00 *
Product no.: 044-172

Funiculi, Funicula for Mallet Solo - 2'15 Min.; Bearb. des Volkslieds durch M.Houllif; 2 mallets; beginners

10.00 *
Product no.: 044-1022

MarimbaSpiele Vol. 1 - 28 pages; 9 Marimba-Solos by Stephan Adam, Udo Diegelmann, Peter Hoch, Hans Kraus-Hübner; easy to intermediate

Video Curious Story

Video Platsch :-) 1-3

Video Merimbau

Video Gedankenspiel

14.90 *
Product no.: 044-1026

First 50 Songs you should play on the Bells/Glockenspiel - 64 pages; 50 favorite songs from pop hits and movie themes to classical melodies and folk songs; 2 mallets, easy to intermediate

15.99 *
Product no.: 044-103

Leichte Stücke aus "Fluyten Lusthof" für Malletinstr. Band 1 - 39 Pages, 2 Mallets, Short Solo Pieces; easy

13.00 *
Product no.: 044-104

Leichte Stücke aus "Fluyten Lusthof" für Malletinstr. Vol. 2 - 29 Pages, 2 Mallets, Short Solo Pieces; easy

12.00 *
Product no.: 044-146
Good n' Easy Christmas Songs for Mallet Solo - 20 amerik. Weihnachtslieder f. 2 od. 3 Schl.; Silent Night, Jingle Bells, Go Tell It On The Mountain, We Wish You a Merry Christmas u.a., leicht
16.00 *
Product no.: 044-112
Mallet Percussion for young beginners - 48 Seiten, kurze Solostückchen, einfache Melodien mit wenig Tönen, große Notenschrift; leicht
20.99 *
Product no.: 044-154
Morning Hymn for Mallet Solo - 2 Min.; langsames Stück, alles gewirbelt, 2 Versionen f. 2 od. 3 Schlägel; leicht
7.00 *
Product no.: 044-114
4 Mallet Primer - 31 S.; 21 kl. Stücke, Bearbeitungen für 4-Schlägel-Anfänger aus Barock, Klassik u. Romantik; leicht bis mittelschwer.
15.60 *
Product no.: 044-1025

First 50 Songs you should play on the Xylophone - 94 pages; 50 well-known songs from pop hits and movie themes to jazz tunes and classical melodies;  2 mallets, easy to intermediate

19.99 *
Product no.: 044-1024

Mainstream Mallets (Book + CD-ROM) - 42 pages; 24 Arrangements of well known melodies from Schumann, Bach, Offenbach, Clementi, Brahms, Tschaikowsky and others, 2 mallets, easy to intermediate; CD-ROM contains piano accompaniment as PDF and MP3 with play alongs


On Wisconsin (Hubbard & Rosa)

The Happy Farmer (Schumann)

Bourée (Bach)

Infernal Galop (Offenbach)

Sonatina (Clementi)

29.95 *
Product no.: 044-171

Tills Tagebuch for Marimba Solo or Duo - 10 easy pieces for Solo or Duo; 2 mallets; "Die 10 Stücke, die man allein als Soli (oberes System) oder zu zweit im Duett (mit unterem System) an einem Instrument spielen kann, sind meinem 9jährigen Sohn Till gewidmet" (Peter Hoch)

12.50 *
Product no.: 044-105
Contest Solos for the young mallet player - 8 kleine Vortragsstücke für Anfänger, 2 Schlägel; leicht
13.00 *
Product no.: 044-197

Melodic Mallets - 10 pages; 10 short Melodies according calssical and traditional themes (Bach, Haydn, Offenbach, Brahms, Schumann, etc.), 2 Mallets, easy

12.50 *
Product no.: 044-106

More Contest Solos for the young mallet player - 10 kleine Vortragsstücke für Anfänger, 2 Mallets

More Contest Solos For The Young Mallet Player by Murray Houllif. For Mallet Solo (Unaccompanied). Mallet Solo. Grade 1-2.

11.90 *
Product no.: 044-1033

25 Christmas Songs for Marimba - 40 pages; 25 Christmas Songs arranged by Will Rapp, 2 mallets; easy

18.99 *
Product no.: 044-142

Three Famous Melodies for Marimba Solo - Arrangement: Londonderry Air + Dvorak, Largo from "New-World-Sinf." + Tschaikowsky, Theme from 5. Sinf.; 3 Mallets, all rolled.; easy

10.50 *
Product no.: 044-116
Music for Marimba Vol. 1 - 32 S.; 54 kurze Melodien (Volkslieder, Klassik-Bearb. u.a.) für 2 od. 3 Schlägel; teilweise auch als Duo; leicht
8.99 *
Product no.: 044-125
Der Marsch des Jojo für Marimba - 4 Min.; f. Anfänger 4-Schlägel-Technik, leicht **Neuausgabe bei Zimmermann-Verlag
10.00 *
Product no.: 044-166
Baobab für Marimba Solo - 16 p.; 12 Marimba Soli for beginners on 4 mallets; easy
14.00 *
Product no.: 044-190

Christmas Carols for Marimba - 48 P.; 22 arr.. of Christmas Carols for 2 and 4 Mallets, easy

20.99 *
Product no.: 044-155
Bottom Line for Marimba Solo - 2 Min.; 4 Schl., auch mit Wirbel; leicht
9.00 *
Product no.: 044-1027

Marimba Dances - 16 pages; 7 Dances for Marimba, 4 mallets, easy; for 4-Oktav-Marimba

13.80 *
Product no.: 044-168
Marimba Joy für Marimba Solo - 20 p.; 10 Solos for 4 Mallets; easy to intermediate
13.80 *
Product no.: 044-175

Marimba Joy Vol. 2 - 20 S.; 9 Solos für 4 Mallets; easy to intermediate

• Etude Time 1
• Menuette
• Bamboo Dance
• Calechixo
• Etude Time 2
• Son Tango
• Etude Time 3
• Starlet Etude
• Rag Picker

13.80 *
Product no.: 044-134

7 leichte Vorspielstücke für Marimba - 7 easy pieces for 4 mallets, with preliminary practice pieces; easy

13.00 *
Product no.: 044-149
10 Soli für Marimba mit drei Mallets - 12 S.; kurze Stücke mit 3 Mallets; leicht
13.00 *
Product no.: 044-1023

Marimbaphonstücke für 2 und 3 Schlägel - 13 short pieces for beginners; easy (Marimbapieces for 2 and 3 mallets)

12.00 *
Product no.: 044-128
18 Kinderstücke für Marimbaphon - 18 kurze Solostücke f. 2, 3 und 4 Schl.; leicht
16.00 *
Product no.: 044-130
3 leichte Stücke für Marimba - f. Anf. 4 Schl.; leicht
7.00 *
Product no.: 044-124
Acht Stücke für Marimba - acht kurze Soli für 4 Schl., leicht bis mittel
10.00 *
Product no.: 044-141

Anfängerstücke für Marimba - 17 short Title for 4-Mallets-Beginners; easy

16.00 *
Product no.: 044-123
Fünf kleine Stücke für Marimba - 5 kurze Titel für 2, 3 und 4 Schlägel; leicht
7.00 *
Product no.: 044-131
Quartenetüde für Marimba - 1'30 Min.; 4 Schl.; leicht
7.00 *
Product no.: 044-132
Scherzo für Marimba - 1'30 Min., 4 Schl.; leicht
7.00 *
Product no.: 044-163

7 kleine Stücke f. 4 mallets, parallel to the different techniques from Stevens' "Method of Movement", easy


20.00 *
Product no.: 044-185
Constellations Marimba Album for the Youth I for Marimba Solo - 35 S.; 12 short pieces for 4 Mallets, A-Marimba; easy
31.00 *
Product no.: 044-186
Year Marimba Album for the Youth II for Marimba Solo - 55 P.; 12 short pieces for 4 Mallets, A-Marimba; easy
31.00 *
Product no.: 044-157
Los Molitos pour Marimba - 3'40 Min.; 4 Schl.; leicht
17.00 *
Product no.: 044-156
Easy Pieces for Marimba Solo Vol. 1 - 6 Min.; 3 kurze Titel f. 4 Schl.; leicht
20.00 *
* Prices incl. VAT, plus Shipping
1 - 50 of 106 results