...make percussion your personal entertainment
Product no.: 046-442
Lettre inachevee pour vibraphone - ca. 5 Min., Neue Musik, 4 Schl.; schwer
12.00 €
Product no.: 046-372
Facette 2 pour Vibraphone - 7 Min.; 4 Schl.; schwer
18.00 €
Product no.: 046-401
Shape of Wind for Vibraphone Solo - 15 Min.; Neue Musik; 2 Vibras, 9 Kins (jap. Tempelglocken od. Cowbells); schwer |
21.50 €
Product no.: 046-354
Foxfire Drei "Kaliumchlorid" für Vibraphon Solo - 12 Min.; Neue Musik; zusätzlich benötigt werden: chin. Bck., Splash-Bck., Hi-Hat, 4 ant. Zimbeln, 3 Baßbögen; schwer
12.00 €
Product no.: 046-376#
Text II für Vibraphon - Neue Musik, rhythm. frei, 4 Schlägel; schwer
9.00 €
Product no.: 046-429
Living Dreams for Vibraphone - 6 Min.; 4 Schl., langsames Stück; schwer
7.60 €
Product no.: 046-548
Bagattelles for Solo Vibraphone - 8 Min.; 2 movements, 4 mallets, advanced |
24.00 €
Product no.: 046-478
Monologue pour Vibraphone - 4'50 Min.; 4 mallets; advanced |
9.00 €
Product no.: 046-561
Alle Jahre Vibra - 28 pages; six german and austrian christmas carols in Jazz-Style arranged for Vibraphone Solo, includes a written out improvisation; intermediate to advanced |
32.00 €
Product no.: 046-543
3 danzas modernas for vibraphone and electronics - 9 Min.; 4 mallets, advanced |
13.00 €
Product no.: 046-433
Just a Step away for Vibraphone - Jazz-Title, 4 mallets; advanced |
7.50 €
Product no.: 046-434
Spring Valley Kids for Solo Vibraphone - Jazz-Titles, 4 mallets, advanced |
10.50 €
Product no.: 046-469
- ca. 2 Min.; 4 Schl.; schwer
11.00 €
Product no.: 046-546
Bach Vibrations for Vibraphone Solo - 83 pp .; 15 two-part Inventions by Bach, arranged as jazz titles in the style of Bill Evans, Oscar Peterson and Dave Brubeck; 4 mallets, advanced |
28.00 €
Product no.: 046-555
Valse Brillante for Vibraphone - 3 Min.; 4 mallets, fantasy on a theme from Manos Hadjidakis "Waltz of the Lost Dreams"; advanced |
10.00 €
Product no.: 046-444
Albas für Vibraphon - 45 Min. oder mehr; 4 Schl., Neue Musik, sehr frei in der Abfolge der Figuren und Anz. der Wiederholungen; schwer
16.80 €
Product no.: 046-545
Recall to Life for Vibraphone - ca. 6 Min.; 4 mallets; advanced |
13.00 €
Product no.: 046-470
Good Vibe-Brations for Solo Vibraphone - 4'15 Min.; 4 Schl.; schwer
9.50 €
Product no.: 046-512
Floating for Solo Vibraphone - 6'40 Min.; Minimalmusic, 4 mallets., advanced |
10.00 €
Product no.: 046-499
Hymn for Vibraphon Solo - 6'45 Min.; 4 Schl., auch Bassbogen, atmosphärisch-frei, rhythmisch, melodisch
11.00 €
Product no.: 046-495
Reflections für Vibraphon - 4'45 Min.; 4 Schl.; advanced
11.00 €
Product no.: 046-383
Sonnentanz für Vibraphon Solo - Jazz-Titel, 4 Mallets; advanced
10.00 €
Product no.: 046-352
Bem-Vindo for Vibraphone - 5 mallets, advanced
24.00 €
Product no.: 046-467
Two Reflections for Solo Vibraphone - ca. 7 Min.; 2 Titel: Brazilian Landscape - Reflections on the new world (Themen aus Dvorak-Sinfonie); 4 Schl.; schwer
25.00 €
Product no.: 046-347
Drei Impressionen für Vibraphon solo - Toccata, Improvisation und Choral, Scherzo und Trio; 4 Schlägel; schwer
9.00 €
Product no.: 046-515
Tsunami for Vibraphone Solo - 7 Min.; 4 mallets, rhythmical, groovy; advanced |
17.00 €
Product no.: 046-325
Three Etudes for Vibra or Marimba - 6 Min., 2 mallets, concert etudes; advanced |
9.00 €
Product no.: 046-507
Ander'Song for Vibra Solo - ca. 4 Min.; 4 mallets; dedicated to Anders Astand, Jazz- and classical-parts, advanced |
16.00 €
Product no.: 046-506
La Bambola di Cristallo (Crystal Doll) for Vibraphone Solo - ca. 5 Min.; 4 mallets, dedicated to Geltrude Raddato, advanced |
16.00 €
Product no.: 046-540
Vibes F5 for Vibraphone Solo - 2'30 Min.; 4 mallets, advanced |
15.00 €
Product no.: 046-327
Solobuch für Vibraphon Heft 2 - 10 short recital pieces, 4 mallets; advanced |
14.00 €
Product no.: 046-468
Arabesque Kinderaugen für Vibraphon - 5 Min.; 4 Schl.; arr. von Peter Sadlo; schwer |
17.00 €
Product no.: 046-450
Eisblumen für Vibraphon solo - 3 Min.; 4 Schl., in memoriam Edgar Guggeis; schwer
10.00 €
Product no.: 046-394#
Nefertiti per Vibrafono - Neue Musik, keine Takteinteilung, sehr frei; 4 Schl.; schwer
12.00 €
Product no.: 046-348
19 Etudes musicales de Vibraphone - 19 kleine Solostücke für 4 Schlägel, Jazz und Pop, dabei 4 Titel mit Klavierbegleitung; schwer
57.90 €
Product no.: 046-425
Bee et Lila pour Vibraphone - 4 Min.; 2 short Title, 4 Mallets, advanced |
16.00 €
Product no.: 046-437#
Apollo's Touch for Solo Vibraphone - ca. 13 Min.; Neue Musik, langsam, rhythm. kompliziert; 4 Schl.; schwer
18.50 €
Product no.: 046-328
Theme and Variations for bowed vibraphone - 5'30 Min., almost play with 2 string arches; heavy |
6.00 €
Product no.: 046-385
Links No. 1,2,3 for Vibraphone - Neue Musik, 4 Schlägel; schwer
48.00 €
Product no.: 046-509
Mornings for Solo Vibraphone - 8 P.; Neue Musik, 4 Mallets, advanced
38.00 €
Product no.: 046-489
The Lines of Ageing for Solo Vibraphone - new music, 3 movements, 4 mallets; advanced
37.04 €
Product no.: 046-510
The Starving Month for Solo Vibraphone - 15 P.; Neue Musik, 4 Mallets, advanced
45.00 €
Product no.: 046-564
Gary Burton Collection: Classic Solos Transcribed Vol. 1 - 46 pages; 12 famous Burton Soli, transcribed for Vibraphone or Marimba by Giacomo Riggi; advanced |
49.90 €
Product no.: 046-513
They looked like strangers for solo vibraphone - 19 S.; Neue Musik, 4 mallets, advanced |
54.00 €
Product no.: 046-358#
One for Syl for Vibraphone Solo - 1'30 Min.; Neue Musik; 4 Schl.; schwer
6.70 €
Product no.: 046-329
4 Pieces for Vibraphone - 4 Mallets, advanced |
38.00 €
Product no.: 046-443
che questo e stato für Vibraphon und CD (Buch + CD) - 23 Min.; Neue Musik, Vibra 4 Schl., + Cymb. antiques; + Zuspiel-CD; schwer
19.80 €
Product no.: 046-558
MELANDIE (melancholy melody) is a piece for vibraphone, encompassing various styles, variations and a freely interpreted cadenza. Duration 5 Min. |
15.50 €
1 - 50 of 93 results |