...make percussion your personal entertainment
Product no.: 070-283
Rhythmic Particles#Ludwig2020 for percussion duo - 3 min.; based on rhythmic motifs by Beethoven; bongos, 2 tomtoms, snare drum, bass drum, cymbals; intermediate |
12.50 €
Product no.: 070-385
Arabeske op. 18 für 2 Schlagwerker - 4 Min.; 2 Bass Drums, Snare Drum, 5 TBl., Tam-Tam, 4 Toms; advanced |
10.80 €
Product no.: 070-262
Timbalesduo - 4'15 Min.; 2 Timbales, 2 player, intermediate |
8.50 €
Product no.: 070-161
12 Duos Vol. F pour timbale et caisse claire - 12 short duos for timpani and snare drum; easy |
18.00 €
Product no.: 063-128
Bonga et Bongo (Buch + CD) - 14 small Latin-Title; little Set-Up (easy, f. beginner), Marimba-accomp. (4 Mallets; intermediate) Sheet music and CD for play-along
26.50 €
Product no.: 070-149
Adios for Percussion Duo - 1'30 Min.; Tempo di Bolero; Snare Dr., Field Dr., Kastagn., Tria.; easy |
12.00 €
Product no.: 070-234
4 Inventions à 2 voix - 3'15 Min.; 4 2-stimmige Klavier-Inventionen (nr. 1,8,10,14) bearb. für Schlagzeug; Instrumenten-Auswahl aus: 5 Tom-Toms, 5 TBl., 5 Cowb., 5 Gongs, 5 WBl.; mittelschwer
11.00 €
Product no.: 070-368
A Game for Two for Percussion Duo - 15 Min.; new music; 4 TBl., 4 WBl., 3 afrik. Holztrommeln, 6 Bongos, 6 Tom-Toms, 2 Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr., Rührtr., 4 Cowb., Tria., 5 Bk., hi-Hat, Tam-Tam, Kastagn., Petische, Claves, et al.; difficult |
39.00 €
Product no.: 070-145
Freude for Percussion Duo - 2 Min.; 5 TBl., Agogos, Bongos, Bck.; easy |
10.00 €
Product no.: 070-330
Snap/Shot für 2 Schlagzeuger - 13 Min.; 2 Gr.Tr., 2 Kl.Tr., Glsp., 1 Oktave Crotales, Tischtennisbälle; sehr rhythmischer Charakter; schwer
49.99 €
Product no.: 070-148
Halb-Zeit for Percussion Duo - 2 Min.; 2 drums, cymb., WBl.; easy |
12.00 €
Product no.: 070-268
Twos By Two for Percussion Duet - 8 Min.; 4 Tom-Toms, 2 Bongos, 2 Timbales, 2 Snare Drum, intermediate |
18.50 €
Product no.: 070-417
Partnership for Timpani & Marimba - 10 Min.; 2 players: 5 Timpani, Marimba; Neue Musik, Composition of 1982; advanced |
24.00 €
Product no.: 070-143
Children's Collection for Tuned Percussion - enthält die bisher einzeln erhältlichen Titel: Simple Simon; Pretty Polly Polka; A Musical Tic-Toc; Dancing Dolls; Xylo Jizz |
18.50 €
Product no.: 070-248
Multi-Drums for Percussion Duo - 5 Min.; 3 Sätze; 5 TBl., Snare Dr., 3 Timptom, Field Dr., Cymb., Bongos, Bass Dr., Rattle, Vibraslap, Agogo, Claves; intermediate
17.55 €
Product no.: 070-391
Deliverance for Marimba and Timpani - 12-13 Min.; 6 Timpanis, 5-Octave-Marimba, 6 Cymbals, Thunder sheet, wind chimes, advanced |
24.00 €
Product no.: 070-113
Drei Mini-Duette - 2 Xylos, Bck., 3 TBl., Kl.Tr., Schellen, Maraca, Schüttelrohr, Claves, Bck., 2 Bongos, Cowb.; 1 Duett ohne Instrumente. leicht
1.90 €
In stock |
Product no.: 070-381
A Few Moments of Fun for Percussion Duo - 7'15 Min.; 2 Pk., 4 Toms, 2 Bongos, 2 Timbales; advanced
17.50 €
Product no.: 070-159
Eins geteilt durch Zwei - ca. 2 Min.; 2 Player on one drumset + Maraca and whistle; easy to intermediate |
9.90 €
Product no.: 070-147
Accentomania - Duo for Drums - 1'30 Min.; Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr., Hi-Hat, 2 Toms; easy to intermediate |
14.00 €
Product no.: 070-203
Mobile - 18 Min., graphisch notiert, mind. 2 Spieler, kann jedoch auf beliebige Spielerzahl erweitert werden. Holz-, Fell- und Metall-Instrumente nach freier Wahl; mittelschwer
19.30 €
Product no.: 070-388
Mixing It Up for mixed percussion - 2‘30 Min.; Duo für Snare Drum u. 4 Timpani; auch als Solo für Snare oder Timpani möglich, advanced |
17.50 €
Product no.: 070-282
21 Progressive Duets for Snare Drum and Timpani - 44 pages; 21 duets for Snare and 2 timpani; easy to intermediate Written for snare drum and two timpani, this collection provides the teacher and student material used in developing skills necessary to perform in ensembles. Another great collection by master teacher and performer Greg Holloway |
29.50 €
Product no.: 070-146
Beelzebub for Timpani and Drums - 2'30 Min.; 2 Timpanies, Drumset;easy
16.50 €
Product no.: 070-341
"Die Würde des Menschen ist antastbar" für zwei Schlagzeuger - 12 Min.; Neue Musik, in traditioneller, graphischer und Aktionsschrift notiert; 2 Pauken, 2 Rahmentrommeln, 2 Bck., Gong.; schwer
21.00 €
Product no.: 070-253
A Quattro Mani-a for Percussion Duo - ca. 5 Min.; 2 Marimba, Vibra, 8 timp., 2 Snare dr., 4 TBl., Tom-Tom, Cowb., 2 cymb., 2 Tria., Tamb.; intermediate
18.52 €
Product no.: 070-359
Percuria pour 2 percussionnistes - 15 Min.; Marimba, Bck., Vibra, Gr.Tr., 4 Toms, Tam-Tam, Tamb., Crotales; schwer
16.00 €
Product no.: 070-204
Two on One, Dialog für Schlagzeug - 8 Min., Xylo, Marimba, 2 Congas, Kl. Tr., 2 Toms, HiHat, Cowbell, 2 Becken; mittelschwer
20.00 €
Product no.: 070-132
15 Duets & Trios for percussion - 15 short pieces f. beginners; Bongos, Cowb., Congas, Tamb., TBl., Toms, Tria., WBl.
20.99 €
Product no.: 070-131
20 Duets & Trios für Percussion - 15 Duos, 5 Trios; short pieces, dif. little Set-Ups; easy
19.99 €
Product no.: 070-315
Duo per a dos percussionistes - 7'30 Min.; Neue Musik; Vibra, Marimba, Crotales, Tam, Kl.Tr.; schwer
18.00 €
Product no.: 070-126
Funny Moment for Percussion Duo - 3 Min.; Glsp. (2 Schl.), Kl.Tr., WBl., Tom; easy
16.99 €
Product no.: 070-369
Sahay Manush for two percussionists - 14 Min.; Marimba, 6 Crotali, 3 Tria., 8 Gongs, 3 Dabachi, 8 Toms, 3 cymb., 2 Tams, 2 TBl., Snare drum, Rototom, 2 Bongos, Conga, Gran Cassa; advanced |
49.00 €
Product no.: 070-230
Three Duets for Drumset & Timpani - Rock, Slow Rock, Swing. 2 Pk., Drumset; mittelschwer
17.00 €
Product no.: 070-207
Wellington 22, A Jazz Duet for Percussion with Improvisation - 2'20 Min., 2 Kl. Tr., 2 Toms; mittelschwer
7.50 €
Product no.: 070-155
3 Duos für Cajon - 3 kurze Titel für 2 Cajons: Latin Two, Samba Twins, Wie du mir so ich dir. easy
14.00 €
Product no.: 070-326
Eros(ion) für Kleine Trommel und Tenortrommel - 5 Min.; 6 Stücke, Neue Musik, teilw. graphisch.; schwer
15.50 €
Product no.: 070-401
Seance for Percussion Duo - 10 Min.; 2 Bass Drums, 2 Congas, 4 Bongos, 2 Tom-Toms, 2 Maracas, advanced |
39.00 €
Product no.: 070-101
Mikrotrikos pour percussions Bd.1 - 20 Seiten, leichte Duos für verschiedene Percussion-Instrumente und Stabspiele (mittelschwer)
24.95 €
Product no.: 070-270
Just Two for Percussion Duo - 8-10 Min., 4 short movements; 2 Bass Drum or 2 low Toms; intermediate to advanced |
20.00 €
Product no.: 070-397
Theatric No. 1 "Hiding in Plain Sight" for 2 Percussionistes - 4 Min.; 6 Roto-Toms, advanced |
30.00 €
Product no.: 070-102
Mikrotrikos pour percussions Bd.2 - 20 Seiten, leichte Duos für verschiedene Percussion-Instrumente und Stabspiele (mittelschwer)
24.95 €
Product no.: 070-250
Percude for Percussion Duo - 4 short movements; Marimba, 3 timp., cymb., Xylo, Glsp., Drumset, 2 timp., cymb., Snare; easy to intermediate
22.00 €
Product no.: 070-398
Theatric No. 6 "Hiding in Plain Sight no.2" for Percussion Duo - 6 Min.; Bongos, Tom-Tom, Bass Drum, advanced |
30.00 €
Product no.: 070-252
Four Short Stories for Percussion Duo - 4 short titles, easy to intermediate; Xylo, Marimba, 3 Pauken, Kl.Tr., 3 Tom-Toms, 3 TBl., Bck.
19.90 €
Product no.: 070-156
Udu for Udo - Duo for Udu Perc. Instr., f. Beginners and advanced Players
11.00 €
Product no.: 070-251
Rhythmic Plays for Percussion Duo - 6 Min.; 4 timp., Vibra, Xylo, 2 Snare, 2 Bass Dr., 6 Toms, 4 Bongos, 2 cymb., F-Marimba; intermediate
21.00 €
Product no.: 070-103
Mini Musik für 2 Schlagzeuger - 6 kurze Stücke in wechselnden Besetzungen; Xylo, Kl. Tr., 2 Toms, 4 TBl., 4 Becken, Triangel, Kastagnetten, Tamburin, 2 Congas, 2 WBl.; leicht
12.50 €
Product no.: 070-387
Pianto Nascosto for Marimba and Set-Up - 3 Min.; 7/8-Rhythm, Gr.Tr., Tom, 2 Bongos, Conga; Marimba 4 Mallets, advanced
19.90 €
Product no.: 070-228
Divertimento for two percussinists op.19 - 9 Min.; viele Taktwechsel. Marimba, 4 Pk., 2 Gr.Tr., Gr.Tr. mit Pedal, 6 Toms, 3 TBl., WBl., Cowb., Bck., Kl.Tr.; mittelschwer
36.00 €
1 - 50 of 229 results |