...make percussion your personal entertainment
Product no.: 110-179
Tico Tico for Percussion Sextet - 2 Min.; Xylo (intermediate), 2 Marimba (2 mallets), Bongos, Congas, Claves; easy
27.00 €
Product no.: 110-384
Green Corn Dance for six percussionists - 8 Min.; Minimal Music, Funky; Steel Bowls, Templeblocks, Cowbells, High Drums, Brake Drums, Low Drums, Gongs, Cymbals, Snare Drum, Castanets, Bass Drum, Tam-Tam, Tenor Drum, Whip, Tom-Toms, advanced |
18.99 €
Product no.: 110-201
Serenade to a sand dune - 2'30 Min., Latin; Glockenspiel, Maracas, Vibra, Guiro, Xylo, Claves, Marimba, Conga, 2 Pauken, Timbales (Drum Set); mittelschwer
19.50 €
Product no.: 110-136
Samba Batu; Samba Cada für Percussion Ensemble (6 Spieler) - 2 kurze Titel, Afro-Brazil; Tamborim, Pandeiro, Chocalho, Reco, Agogo, Surdo, Afuche, WBl., Frigideira, Caixa, Conga, Tan Tan; für alle Instr. sind Ersatzinstr. angegeben, falls Originale nicht vorhanden!; easy
16.50 €
Product no.: 110-301#
Propositions III pour 6 proupes d'instruments á percussion, Score - 16 Min., 2 Marimba, 2 Vibra, Xylo, 4 Pauken, Xylorimba, Glsp., Crotales u. a. Percussion-Instrumente; advanced
52.01 €
Product no.: 110-303
Concerto for Timpani and Percussion Ensemble - 11'30 Min., 4 Pedalpauken (Solo), Marimba, Xylo, Bremstrommeln, Vibra, 4 Toms, Röhrenglocken, Glockenspiel, 2 Bongos, Kl. Tr., Gr. Tr., 2 WBl., Claves, Gong; schwer
18.90 €
Product no.: 110-123
Latin Fantasy - 4 Min.; Glsp., Maracas, Triangel, Guiro, Kl.Tr., 3 Pauken; leicht
15.95 €
Product no.: 110-2022
Tico Tico for Percussion Sextet - 2'10 Min., Marimba1 (Xylo) solo, Marimba 2, Marimba 3 (4,3 oct./5 oct.), all on one 4,3 or 5 oct. marimba, Vibraphone solo, opt. Percussion (Shaker, Vibraslap, Agogo), Drumset, opt. Bass (Guitar, Synthesizer, Contrabass) – 2 mall., Samba; intermediate-advanced |
23.90 €
Product no.: 110-282
The Sound of Japanese Drumming for Percussion Sextet - 10 Min.; Bongos, 2 Gr.Tr., 5 Tom-Toms, Kl.Tr., WBl., TBl.; mittelschwer
39.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 110-383
Fandango 13 for 6 Percussionist - 6 Min.; Player 1 - Marimba, Bell Tree, Medium Suspended Cymbal, 2 Medium Toms, Player 2 - Marimba, Bongos. Xylophone, Player 3 - Marimba, Darabuka, Player 4 - Bass Marimba, 2 Large Toms, Crotales, Player 5 - Vibraphone, Concert Bass Drum, Player 6 - Vibraphone, Djembe, advanced |
64.00 €
Product no.: 110-1037
Turkish March for Percussion Ensemble ( 6 players) - 2'30 Min.; Jane Lamb has arranged Beethoven’s melody for xylophone, Marimba (2 or 2 players on one marimba), Crash Cymbals, Triangle and Timpani (2 or 3). easy |
23.00 €
Product no.: 110-202#
Movements for Percussion (6 players) - 3 movements, Marimba, 2 Vibra, Glockenspiel, 4 TBl., 3 Guiro, Agogo, 2 Claves, HiHat, Tam, 3 cymbals, Maracas, Kl. Tr., 4 Bongos, Zimbel, Tamburin, 4 Toms, 3 Congas and more |
26.00 €
Product no.: 110-257
Moon Step for Percussion Sextet - 3'30 Min.; 2 Vibras, Tria., Bck., 5 TBl., 3 Pk.; mittelschwer
10.00 €
Product no.: 110-374
Dance Music for Elfrid Ide for Percussion Ensemble (6 Players) - 15 Min.; Score; 6 Tom-Toms, Cowb., Handclaps, Claves, Rattle, Whisk, Slitblock, Whistle, Cymbal, Toy Piano, Ratchet, Squawker, Bass Drum, 3 Gongs, Slapstick, Piano (letzter Satz); advanced
39.80 €
Product no.: 110-1031
Can't Stop the Feeling for Percussion Ensemble (6-8 players) - 3'50 Min.; arrangement of Justin Timberlake's hit from DreamWorks "Trolls", for Bells, Xylo, Marimba (2 players), Vibraphone, Drumset; + optional parts for Timpani and Percussion (Cowbell, Claves, 2 Congas, Triangle); easy to intermediate
39.90 €
Product no.: 110-375
Dance Music for Elfrid Ide for Percussion Ensemble (6 Players) - 15 Min.; Set of Parts; 6 Tom-Toms, Cowb., Handclaps, Claves, Rattle, Whisk, Slitblock, Whistle, Cymbal, Toy Piano, Ratchet, Squawker, Bass Drum, 3 Gongs, Slapstick, Piano (letzter Satz); advanced
39.80 €
Product no.: 110-1024
Freed from Desire für Percussion Ensemble (6-8 player) - 3'37 Min.; arrangement of the title of Gala, for Glsp. (+ Eggshakers), Xylo, Marimba (2 players), Vibra, Drumset; l+ optional voices for timpani and percussion (susp. cymbal, Cowbell, 2 Congas, Triangle, "Schellenkranz" = jingle ring); easy to intermediate |
39.90 €
Product no.: 110-345
First Construction in Metal - Partitur - 9 Min.; Glsp., 5 Donnerbleche, Klavier (auf den Saiten zu spielen), Schellen, 20 Cowbells (od. Balines. Gongs), 4 Bremstrommeln, 3 jap. Tempelgongs, 4 türk. Becken, 4 Ambosse, 4 chin. Bck., 5 Gongs; schwer
29.80 €
Product no.: 110-1028
More than you know für Percussion Ensemble (6-8 Players) - 3'18 Min.; Arrangement of the Titles from Axwell Λ Ingrosso, für Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (2 Players), Vibra, Drumset; + optional parts for timpani and percussion (bells, cabasa, bongos, cowbell, eggshakers); easy to intermediate |
39.90 €
Product no.: 110-346
First Construction in Metal - Stimmenmaterial; schwer
39.80 €
Product no.: 110-1026
Natural für Percussion Ensemble (6-9 players) - 2'36 Min.; Arrangement of the title of Imagine Dragons, for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (2 players), Vibra, Drumset; + optional voices for timpani, tubular bells and percussion (clash cymbal, field drum); easy to intermediate |
39.90 €
Product no.: 110-2014
Afro-Latin Dance for Percussion Sextet - 3'30 Min.; Marimba, Vibra, Pauken, Bongos, Guiro, Cowb., Chocollo, Maracas, Tamb., WBl., Torpedo, Claves, Tria., Afuchi, Agogo; intermediate
19.00 €
Product no.: 110-1032
Samba de Janeiro for Percussion Ensemble (6-8 players) - 2'50 Min.; Arrangement of Bellini's Hit, für Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (2 players), Agogo Bells, Drumset, Bongos, Samba Whistle, Pandeiro; + optional parts for Timpani and Percussion (Egg Shakers, Triangle); easy to intermediate
39.90 €
Product no.: 110-380
The City Wears a Slouch Hat for Percussion and Sound Effects - 35 Min.; score only, a Radio-Play by Kenneth Patchen (1942); Tin Cans, Bongos, Cowb., Tempelgongs, WBl., Tam-Tam, balin. Gongs, Cymbal, Marimbula, Rattle u.a.; sowie Radio-Sound-Effekte.
24.80 €
Product no.: 110-278
Mexican Collection Vol.1 for Percussion Sextet - 5 Titel basierend auf mexikan. Marimbamusik: Rio Danza, Oro Rio, Dance On, Mexican Hat Dance, Rosarita. 2 Marimbas, Vibra, 4 Pk., 2 Cowb., TBl., Chocallo, Guiro, Maracas, Bongos, ; mittelschwer
33.50 €
Product no.: 110-304
Sextet for Percussion - 3 Sätze, 4 Pauken, Kl. Tr., 2 Becken, 6 Toms, Gr. Tr., Gong, Marimba, Glockenspiel, Vibra, schwer
39.50 €
Product no.: 110-1029
Something Just Like This für Percussion Ensemble (6-8 Spieler) - 4'03 Min.; arrangement of the title by The Chainsmokers & Coldplay, for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (2 players), Vibra, Drumset; + optional parts for timpani and percussion (bells, cabasa, bongos, triangle); easy to intermediate |
39.90 €
Product no.: 110-2017
Blue Rondo a la Turk for Percussion Sextet with opt. bass guitar - Bearb. von Jeff Moore f. Glsp., Xylo, Vibra, 2 Marimba, Drumset + 7.Spieler Bass; intermediate |
24.95 €
Product no.: 110-244
Miniature Suite for Percussion - 4 Min., 3 Sätze; Kl.Tr., 5 TBl., Klavier (leicht), Tam, 2 Triangeln, 2 WBl., Bongos, Glsp., Kastagn., 4 Toms, Vibra, Gr.Tr., 2 Becken, 4 Pauken, 2 Fingerzimbeln; mittelschwer
32.50 €
Product no.: 110-1027
Take on me für Percussion Ensemble (6-8 Spieler) - 3'30 Min.; Arrangement of the title from a-ha, for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (2 players), Vibra, Drumset; + optional voices for timpani and percussion (ring-bangle, triangle, Windchimes); easy to intermediate |
39.90 €
Product no.: 110-305#
Samba No.1 - 2'30 Min., 12 Toms, 2 Kl. Tr., 2 Gr. Tr., 4 Tumbas; advanced
28.17 €
Product no.: 110-151
Rockasix pour ensemble de percussions (6 Spieler) - 3'30 Min.; Kl.Tr., Toms, Claves, Tamb., Bck., Gr.Tr.; leicht
31.00 €
Product no.: 110-313
Toccata for Percussion Instruments - 14 Min., 3 Indian. Trommeln, Glsp., 2 Kl. Tr., Xylo, 2 Tenortr., 2 Becken, Röhrenglocken, Claves, Maracas, 3 Pauken, 2 Gong, Gr. Tr.; schwer
33.95 €
Product no.: 110-205
Bossa Novacaine - 2 Mallet-Instrumente, 2 Pauken, Becken, Claves, Bongos; mittelschwer
18.00 €
Product no.: 110-101
Percussion War für Percussion Sextett - 2'30 Min., Triangel, WBl., Cowbell, Ratsche, 2 TBl., 2 Becken, 2 Toms, Gong, Bongos, Kl. Tr., Gr. Tr., 2 Pauken; leicht
15.99 €
Product no.: 110-206
Three-Four-All - Becken, Kl. Tr., Triangel, WBl., Glsp., 2 Pauken; mittelschwer
21.00 €
Product no.: 110-314
Pulse - für John Cage und seine Percussion-Gruppe geschrieben. 3 Korean Dragon's Mouths, 3 WBl., 3 Chinesische Toms, 3 Trommeln, 3 Reis-Schalen, 3 Japanische Tempel-Gongs, 3 Becken, 3 Gongs, 3 Bremstrommeln; schwer
29.00 €
Product no.: 110-190
3 Sextette für Cajons - 3 kurze Titel: Cajon Battle, Looking for Africa, No. 1; easy. Score + parts
20.00 €
Product no.: 110-178
Lightning for Percussion Sextet - 2 Min.; Bongos, 5 Tom-Toms; easy |
26.00 €
Product no.: 110-358
Hoo-Daiko for Percussion Sextet - 4 Min.; rhythm. Patterns vom tradit. japan. Taiko-Trommeln; 6 Gr.Tr., Conga, chin.Bck.; schwer
35.00 €
Product no.: 110-357
World Beat Sonata for Percussion Sextet - 5 Min.; Schlitztr., Talking Drum, Rassel, Metall-Schale, Kanne, WBl., Tria., Flexatone, Bck., 1 Pedalpauke, u.a.; advanced |
25.50 €
Product no.: 110-195
Drums Galore for Percussion Sextet - 3 Min.; leicht bis mittel; bongos, snare drum, tom-toms, tenor drum, bass drum, 2 timpani, easy |
15.95 €
Product no.: 110-198
Rock Around the Clock for Percussion Ensemble (Buch + CD) - 2 Min.; easy to intermediate; from the "Leopard Percussion"-Serie, arranged by Diane Downs, CD include Demo-Version; by doubling the parts is possible to add more players; 2 Xylo, 2 Marimbas, Drumset, Congas. |
37.50 €
Product no.: 110-298
Sinfonieta für Schlagzeug-Sextett op. 173 - 13 Min.; 3 movements; score; 3 timpani, 2 Marimbas, Vibra, 2 Xylos, Glsp., Röhrengl., Gong, cymb., Tria., B.Dr., Snare Dr., Tamb., Tam-Tam, Congas, Bongos, Tom-Toms, TBl.; intermediate
26.32 €
Product no.: 110-315
Forest Rain - Vibra, Xylo, 2 Tam, 5 WBl., Sandpapier, Wasserkürbis, 6 Becken, 4 Pauken, 3 Kl. Tr., Marimba, 2 Triangel, Celesta, Bongos, Gr. Tr.; schwer
18.50 €
Product no.: 110-196
Nervous Notes for Percussion Sextet - 2 Min.; tambourine, woodblock, snare drum, claves, bass drum, tenor drum, easy |
12.95 €
Product no.: 110-299
Sinfonieta für Schlagzeug-Sextett op. 173 - 13 Min.; 3 movements; set of parts; 3 timpani, 2 Marimbas, Vibra, 2 Xylos, Glsp., Röhrengl., Gong, cymb., Tria., B.Dr., Snare Dr., Tamb., Tam-Tam, Congas, Bongos, Tom-Toms, TBl.; intermediate
38.02 €
Product no.: 110-2024
Ambiguous March for Percussion Sextet - 3'30 Min.; cymbals, tambourine, 4 Pauken, 4 Toms, Snare Drum, Bass Drum; intermediate |
18.00 €
Product no.: 110-316
East 11th St NY 10003 für 6 Schlagzeuger - 19 Min., Neue Musik, nur Partitur. Glsp., 4 Pauken, Donnerblech, Toms, Becken, Gong, Bremstrommeln, Gr. Tr., Löwengebrüll, Claves, Holztrommeln, Röhrenglocken, Tam, Roto-Toms, Bongos, Congas u. a.; schwer
29.80 €
Product no.: 110-209
Ostinati Machina für 6 Schlagzeuger - 4 Min., poly- metrische Studie, 6 Cup-Chimes (oder Gongs), Tom, 2 Bongos, 4 TBl., 2 WBl., Glsp., Tam, Gr. Tr., Xylo; mittelschwer
14.00 €
1 - 50 of 237 results |