Percussion Septet

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1 - 50 of 89 results
Product no.: 120-201
Christmas by the numbers - Weihnachtsouvertüre, ein Medley aus den Liedern: The first Noel, We Three Kings, The twelve days of Christmas. Glockenspiel, Glocken, Vibra, 2 Marimbas, 4 Pauken, Gr.Tr., Kl.Tr., Tamburin, Gong, Becken, Triangel, Windchi
22.50 *
Product no.: 120-259

A Christmas Present for Percussion Septet - 3'30 Min.; based on "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and "We Three Kings of Orient Are"; Bells; Vibes; Marimba; Drumset; Suspended Finger Cymba/Triangle; Sleigh Bells; Tambourine, intermediate (Grade 4)


19.90 *
Product no.: 120-313
Schlafmaus.Metall.7, Musik f. 7 Schlagzeuger - 25 Min.; Neue Musik; Vibraphon, Xylo, Röhrengl., 2 Pk., Glockensp., Marimba, Gr.Tr., Kl.Tr., 5 Cowb., 5 TBl., Tamb., Guiro, 4 Bongos, 4 Congas; u.a.; schwer
14.50 *
Product no.: 120-250
- 7'30 Min.; Drumset, Bongos, Gong, Timbales, Cowb., Guiro, WBl., Schellen, Maracas, Röhrengl., Vibraslap, 2 Pk., Agogo u.a.; mittelschwer
42.00 *
Product no.: 120-135

Dangerous for percussion septet - 3'15 min .; Editing the title of David Guetta, for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (2 players), Vibra, 4 Timpani, Drumset; easy to intermediate


39.90 *
Product no.: 120-137

Good Time für Percussion Ensemble (7-10 Players) - 3'10 Min.; Arrangement of the title by Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen, for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (3 players), Vibra, Drumset; + optional parts for timpani and 2 perc. players (claves, cymbal, eggshakers, cowbell, congas); easy to intermediate


39.90 *
Product no.: 120-252
The Typewriter for Marimba Quintet, Typewriter & Bells (7 players) - 1'30 Min.; 5 Marimbas (or Xylo & 4 Marimbas; 2 mall.), typewriter (or Guiro), Glöckchen (Bells); intermediate
19.00 *
Product no.: 120-302
11 Min., 4 Sätze, 8 gestimmte Trommeln (Solo), Glockenspiel, Xylo, Vibra, Marimba, Röhrenglocken, 4 Pauken, 4 Triangel, 3 WBl., Celesta, Sizzle, 2 Tamburins, 4 Bongos, Becken, Timbales, 3 Cowbells, Zimbeln, Gr. Tr.; schwer
28.00 *
Product no.: 120-318
Marche Funebre pour Percussion Septet - ca. 12 Min.; Trauermarsch zum Gedenktag der Stadt Würzburg (16.3.1945); Marimba, Vibra, Röhrengl., 4 Gr.Tr., 4 Kl.Tr., 9 Toms, 8 TBl., 2 Tam-Tam, 2 Timbales, 4 WBl., 4 Pk., 2 Congas, 2 Bongos, 3 Logdrums, Go
25.80 *
Product no.: 120-136

Under the Sea für Percussion Ensemble (7-9 Players) - 3'10 Min.; Arrangement of the title from the movie "The little mermaid", for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (2 Players), Vibra, Drumset, Timbales, Cowbell; + optional voices for timpani and congas; easy to intermediate


39.90 *
Product no.: 120-116
Samba Lele pour ensemble de percussions (7 Spieler) - 1'40 Min.; Bearb. brasil. Traditional; 4 Mallet-Instr.; Kl.Tr., Hi-Hat, 2 Bongos, 2 Tom-Toms; leicht
15.50 *
Product no.: 120-320

Fascinating Rhythm for Percussion Septet and Bass Guitar - arr. by Dave Grusin and Jeff Moore; 2 Marimbas (1 x 5-Oktav), 2 Xylo, Crotales, Glsp., 2 Vibras, Drumset, Bass Guitar; advanced

22.95 *
Product no.: 120-258

Hungarian Dance No. 5 for Percussion Septet - 3 min.; arranged by Joachim Schöpe for 2 xylo, vibra, marimba, pelvis, triangle, 2 timpani; intermediate



22.00 *
Product no.: 120-127

Hidden Symbol for Percussion Septet - 2'40 Min.; easy to intermediate; 2 Timpani; Snare Drum; Bass Drum; Tom-Toms; Triangle; Wood Block; Tambourine/Finger Cymbals

19.00 *
Product no.: 120-101
Ritmo - 3'40 Min., lateinamerikanische Musik: Beguine- Nanigo-Rumba. Bongos, Congas, Becken, Drumset, Tubo, Maracas, Claves, Guiro, Quijada, Schellenreif, Gong, Cowbell; leicht
31.00 *
Product no.: 120-307
Im Anfang war der Rhythmus - 12 Min., 7 Pauken, Glockenspiel, Marimba, TBl., WBl., Kl.Tr., Rührtr., nur Spielpartitur!; schwer
21.50 *
Product no.: 120-102

Roll-Off Rhumba for Percussion Septet - 2'40 Min., 2 timpani, Maracas, Snare Drum, 2 Woodblocks, Military Drum, Tamb., Bongos, Conga, Castagnets, Cymbal, Claves, Bass Drum; easy

21.95 *
Product no.: 120-323
Mirror Image for Solo Vibraphone and Percussion Ensemble - 6 Min.; Solo Vibra, 2 Vibra, 5-Oktav-Marimba, Shaker, Pandeiro, Bass Drum, Tamb., Bck., Timbales, Congas, Drumset, Bongos, Cowb., Maracas; advanced
36.50 *
Product no.: 120-253
Techno-Pop for Percussion Septet - 3'20 Min.; Glsp., Xylo, 2 Marimba, Drumset, 4 Tom-Toms, Vibraslap, Bck., Windchimes, Cowb., Tamb., intermediate
48.00 *
Product no.: 120-215
Fiesta Latina for Percussion Ensemble - 3 Min.; 7 Spieler: Xylo, Vibra, 2 Marimbas, Congas, Timbales, Cowbell, Shaker, Drumset, E-Baß (ad lib.); mittelschwer
55.50 *
Product no.: 120-312
Canticle No. 3 for Percussion Septet - 19 Min.; kann von 7 od. 5 Spielern gespielt werden. Ocarina(od. Flöte), 6 Eisenrohre, 5 WBl., 8 Bremstrommeln, Xylo, 5 TBl., Maracas, 3 Elephant Bells, Gitarre, 6 Water Buffalo Bells, Holzkiste, 2 Sistrums, 5
29.00 *
Product no.: 120-119
African Beats für Percussionensemble (7 Spieler) - 4 Min.; Djembe, Timbales, Cowb., Bck., African Bass, bongos, Congas, Shaker, Guiro, Claves; leicht bis mittelschwer
15.00 *
Product no.: 120-310
Concertante op. 79 für Marimba Solo und 6 Schlagzeuger - Partitur; Neue Musik; Marimba (5 od. 4 1/2 Oktaven), Xylo, Glsp., Röhrengl., 3 Vibra, 5 TBl., 3 Tams, 3 Bongos, 2 Congas, Bck., Gong, 3 Pk., Gr.Tr., u.a.; schwer
34.99 *
Product no.: 120-103
Rondalla Aragonesa - Glsp., Xylo, 4 Marimbas, Vibra, Röhrenglocken, 2 Pauken; leicht
14.00 *
Product no.: 120-140

Believer for Percussion Ensemble (7 players) - 2'55 Min.; arrangement of the title from Imagine Dragons for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (2 Players), Vibra, Drumset, Timpanies; easy to intermediate

39.90 *
Product no.: 120-203
Encore in Jazz for Percussion-Septet - 4'40 Min., 4 Pauken, 3 Kl.Tr., Vibra, Indian Drum, Marimba, Cowbell, Bongos, Conga, Drumset; mittelschwer
21.50 *
Product no.: 120-304
Monochrome for japanese drums and gongs op.28 - 22 Min., japanische Musik für KODO-Ensemble, nur Partitur!; advanced
22.99 *
Product no.: 120-305
2 Studien für Schlaginstrumente op.30 + op.48 und op. 30 - 5'30 und 4 Min., nur Taschenpartitur, Vibra, Xylo, Marimba, Glocken, Glockenspiel, 4 Pauken u. a.; schwer
9.50 *
Product no.: 120-204#

Two Structures for Percussion Ensemble - 6 Min., Score only, 1.Teil metrisch frei ohne Takteinteilung, 2.Teil rhythmisch prägnant. Glass Chimes, Bongos, Glsp., Wood Chimes, Vibra, Triangel, 2 Becken, Metal Chimes, Röhrenglocken, Xylo, Tam-Tam, Maracas, Marimba, 2 Kl.Tr., 4 Toms, Gr.Tr., Claves, 4 Pauken; intermediate

8.90 *
Product no.: 120-322
Die große Flut für Schlagzeug-Septett - 7 Min.; 4 Gr.Tr., 18 Toms (Bongos), 8 Bck., 2 Tam-Tams; advanced
24.37 *
Product no.: 120-321
Konzertstück f. Snare Drum & Percussion Ensemble - 10 Min.; Bearb. des gleichn. Orchesterwerkes; Snare Drum, Marimba (5 Okt.), 2 Vibra, Röhrengl., Crotales, Bass Dr., 4 Pauken, Tam-Tam, 4 TBl., 3 Toms, and more., advanced
54.00 *
Product no.: 120-117
The Star Spangled Banner for Percussion Ensemble (7 Spieler) - Bearbeit. für 5 Mallet-Spieler (alle je 2 Schl., Instr. frei wählbar), Drumset und Becken; leicht
13.00 *
Product no.: 120-309
Concerto for Marimba, Percussion and Synthesizers (+ tape) - 13 Min.; 3 Sätze; Solo Marimba, 2 Marimbas, Vibra, Pauken, TBl., Afuche, Log Drums, Boobams, Bck., Tam, Gong, Kastagn., Gr.Tr., Bongos, Kl.Tr., Congas, Tam u.a.; + Synthesizers od. Tonba
102.00 *
Product no.: 120-308

Concert for Marimba and Percussion Ensemble (6 player) - arr. of the concert for marimba and string orchestra; Xylo, Glocken, Vibra, F-Marimba, Tamb., Cowbell, Castagn., WBl., 5 TBl., Triangel, Chimes, Becken, Drumset, Tam, 5 Timpani; advanced

69.00 *
Product no.: 120-213
Blue Samba for Percussion Ensemble (7 Spieler) - Glsp., Marimba (Xylo), 2 Toms, WBl., Cowbell, Claves, Tamb., Hi-Hat, Kl.Tr., Gr.Tr. + E-Baß; mittelschwer
44.99 *
Product no.: 120-316
Concert for Marimba No. 2 and Percussion Ensemble - Bearb. für Marimba Solo, 7 Perc.Spieler, Klavier und Bass. Glsp., Xylo, Vibra, Marimba, Chimes, Bck., Tam-Tam, 5 TBl., Tamb., Shaker, Caxixi, Drumset, Pauken, Cowb., Tria.; schwer
64.00 *
Product no.: 120-131

Ain't Nobody for Percussion Septet - 3 Min.; Arrangement of the Rufus title after the cover version of Jaehn/Thompson for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, 4 Timpanis, Percussion (cymbal, tambourin); easy to intermediate


39.90 *
Product no.: 120-319
- 3 Sätze, insgesamt 7 Spieler: 5 Pauken, Xylo, Celesta, Vibra, Marimba, Bass Marimba, Glocken, Chimes, TBl., Cowb., Bck., 2 Tam-Tam, Tamb., Windchimes, Tria., Drumset; schwer
61.00 *
Product no.: 120-130

Dancing Queen für Percussion Septett - 2'30 Min.; arrangement of the ABBA-Title for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, 4 Timpani, Percussion (cymbal, wind chimes, tambourin); easy to intermediate

Dancing Queen.m4a

39.90 *
Product no.: 120-311
Concerto for Vibraphone & Percussion Ensemble (6 Spieler); schwer
54.00 *
Product no.: 120-132

Happy for Percussion Septet - 3'25 Min.; Arrangement of the title of Pharrell Williams from "Despicable Me 2"  for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, 4 Timpanis, Congas, Drumset; easy to intermediate


39.90 *
Product no.: 120-314

Japanese Overture for Percussion Ensemble (7 Players) - 8 Min.; Xylo, Glsp., Vibra, Marimba, Baß-Marimba, Bck., Kata-Kata, 5 Daikos, 2 Caxixis, Wood chimes, TBl.; advanced


38.00 *
Product no.: 120-129

Hard Rock Hallelujah für Percussion Septett - 3 Min.; arrangement of the Lordi-Title (Eurovision Song Contest Winner 2006)  for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, 4 Timpani, Drumset; easy to intermediate (Words and Music by Timo Putaansuu)

Hard Rock Hallelujah.m4a

39.90 *
Product no.: 120-261

Down by the O-HI-O for Mallet Quintet with Percussion - 3 Min.; Song from 1920 arranged by Brian Monroe for Xylo (2 Mallets), 4 Marimbas (2 Mallets), Hi-Hat, 3 Cymbals, Tom-Tom, Tambourine, Woodbl., Cowb., Steamboat Whistle; easy to intermediate

23.00 *
Product no.: 120-139

Let It Go from Frozen for Percussion-Ensemble (7-8 Players) - 3'28 Min.; Arrangement of the titles from the Disney-Film, for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba (2 players), Vibra, Timpani, Drumset; + optional part for one Percussion-Player (wind chimes, cymbal, cabasa, tambourin); easy to intermediate

39.90 *
Product no.: 120-324

The Black Page for 7 percussionists - 12 Min.; Marimba, Bass-Marimba, Vibra, Xylo, Glsp., Timpani, Drumset, advanced

96.00 *
Product no.: 120-128

Mission: Impossible für Percussion Septett - 2'15 Min.; Arrangement of the TV-Hits from Lalo Schifrin for Glsp., Vibra,  Xylo, 2 Marimbas (or to play on 1 Marimbat), 4 Timpani, Drumset, Percussion (Tam-Tam, Claves, Cymbal, Tria.);  easy to intermediate

Mission Impossible.mp3

39.90 *
Product no.: 120-214
Triplet Trickery - 1'20 Min.; Kl.Tr., Timbales, 3 Timp Toms, 2 Pauken, Gr.Tr., Becken, Cowbell; mittelschwer
10.00 *
Product no.: 120-133

Pirates of the Caribbean for Percussion Septet - 5'45 Min.; Arrangement from "The Curse of the Black Pearl" for Glsp., Xylo, Marimba, Vibra, 4 Timpanis, Tubular Bells., Cymbals, Tam-Tam, Wind Chimes, Tria., Bass Drum; easy to intermediate


69.00 *
Product no.: 120-236
Etüde Nr.2 für 7 Schlagzeuger op.24b - 10 Min.; Bongo, Kl.Tr., Tom, 4 Pk., 3 Congas, 4 Bongos, 2 Bck., 3 WBl., Tria.; mittelschwer
22.60 *
* Prices incl. VAT, plus Shipping
1 - 50 of 89 results