...make percussion your personal entertainment
Product no.: 063-133
Children's Collection for Un-Tuned Percussion - enthält die bisher einzeln erhältlichen Titel: A Solemn March for Timpani (2 Min.; 2 Pauken, leicht); Marche Nobilmente for Solo Timpani (2 Min.; 3 Pauken; leicht bis mittel); Marche Funebre for Timpani 2'30 Min.; 4 Pauken, leicht bis mittel); Kopy-Kat for Drum Kit (2 Min.; leicht); Two of a kind for Snare Drum Duo (2'30 Min.; leicht); Ravel Goes to Town for Percussion Duo (2'30 Min.; Bolero-Rhythmus; Drumset, 2 Pauken; easy to intermediate) |
28.00 €
Product no.: 063-115
10 Solos for Percussion - 10 short pieces f. Snare Drum Solo or little Set-Up-Composition (without Mallets); beginners to intermediate |
17.99 €
Product no.: 063-119
Contemporary Solos for Multi Percussion - 51 S.; 24 kurze Soli für kleine Set-Ups: Kl.Tr., Bongos, Cowb., Tom-Toms, Tria., Bck., Gr.Tr., TBl., u.a.; leicht bis mittelschwer
21.99 €
Product no.: 063-124
Temple Gong for Solo Percussion - 2 Min.; 9 TBl., Kl.Tr., Bck., Gong; easy |
13.00 €
Product no.: 063-126
Solo Expressions for the Beginning Percussionist (Book + 2 CDs) - 46 p.; 40 easy solo-pieces for Snare Drum, Keyboard Perc., Timpani, Multi Percussion; with Play-along-CDs |
20.95 €
Product no.: 063-144
Recital, 4 piezas para percusion - 4 easy pieces for different instruments: 1. Naoj for Snare Drum (2'30 Min.); 2. Lofotsirc for 2 Timpani (4'30 Min.) ; 3. Atom for 4 Tom-Toms (3 Min.) ; 4. Orrec for Marimba or Vibraphone (4'30 Min.) |
15.00 €
Product no.: 063-139
Cajon Solos Unterstufe - Oberstufe - 11 P.; 11 Solos for beginner and advanced player, easy to advanced; diff. Stiles: Rock, Blues, Afro, Latin, Hip Hop; etc. |
14.00 €
Product no.: 063-101
Conga Negro - 3'50 Min., Solo für Congas mit Vorübungen, Begleitmusik Percussion-Ensemble (2-7 Spieler) zusätzlich enthalten; leicht
16.00 €
Product no.: 063-123
- 19 S.; 10 kl. Solo-Titel von Geoffroy, Juskowiak (Puzzle), Labadie u. Zavaro für versch. kl. Set-Ups: Xylo, Glsp., Pauken, versch. Trommel- u. Perc.Instr.; leicht bis mittelschwer
16.00 €
Product no.: 063-121
Kleiner Springbock für Set-Up Solo - 2 Min.; geschr. f. Jugend musiziert Altersgruppe I. 2 Bongos, Kl.Tr., Tom-Tom, Bck.; leicht
6.00 €
Product no.: 063-127
Contest Solos for the Young Percussionist - 18 p.; 18 easy pieces for Snare Drum, Timpani and Mallet Percussion
14.00 €
Product no.: 063-122
Flaschenpost für Set Up Solo - 4 S.; 2 kurze Solostücke: Flaschenpost + Tanz der Paare; Gr.Tr., 2 Toms, 2 TBl., 2 Dosen, 2 Kochtöpfe, Flasche, Pappkarton; leicht
8.00 €
Product no.: 063-142
Groove Set for Set-Up - 3 short, easy Soli for Bass Drum, Snare Drum, Bongos, Cowb., Splash cymbal.
9.50 €
Product no.: 063-130
Flying Kangaroo for Set-Up-Solo - 1'30 Min.; 2 Timbales, 2 Cowb., Hi-Hat, Bass Drum; easy
4.95 €
Product no.: 063-117
La Classe de Percussion Recueil de Pieces pour Caisse Claire, Accessoires et Batterie (Buch + CD) - 11 kleine Play-along-Titel, Begleit-Musik auf CD von Stephane Moucha; Tria., Tamb., WBl., Kl.Tr., Kastagn., Drumset u.a.; leicht
26.00 €
Product no.: 063-128
Bonga et Bongo (Buch + CD) - 14 small Latin-Title; little Set-Up (easy, f. beginner), Marimba-accomp. (4 Mallets; intermediate) Sheet music and CD for play-along
26.50 €
Product no.: 063-136
The Multi-Etude Collection (Buch + CD) - 32 S.; 10 Multi-Perc. Solos f. Anfänger; versch. kleine Set-Ups, easy |
12.95 €
Product no.: 063-106
Four Pieces for Percussion Solo - 5'45 Min., Kl.Tr., Tom, Becken; leicht
19.50 €
Product no.: 063-116
Start for Percussion - 16 kurze Stücke f. versch. kleine Set-Ups; leicht f. Anfänger
10.00 €
Product no.: 063-131
4s + 3i = 1p for Multiple Percussion Solo - 1'30 Min.; Snare Drum, 2 Tom-Toms; + Erläuterungen (engl.) One of he fun things about being a percussionist is being able to play a number of instruments at the same time. The musical equation 4s + 3i = 1p is the formula for having an enormous amount of fun playing a multiple percussion setup such as this solo foe 2 tom-toms and snare drum.
5.50 €
Product no.: 063-132
Un poco Paco for Multiple Percussion Solo - 2 Min.; Cha Cha Tempo; Kl.Tr., Tom, Bck., Maraca; easy
7.00 €
Product no.: 063-143
You-Muh! - 3 Solo foreplay pieces for young drummers: 1. Durch den Wind (By the Wind) for Snare Drum; 2. Schlagbaum (Turnpike) for 4 Timpani; 3. One Minute, Please for Snare Drum & Tom-Tom; easy to intermediate |
12.00 €
Product no.: 063-103
Etude #1 for 4 Tom Toms - 1'30 Min.; leicht
9.90 €
Product no.: 063-141
Three Pieces for Cajon Solo - 8'40 Min.; Nueva Cajon - Caja Menor - Canova; easy to intermediate |
15.00 €
Product no.: 063-118
10 Beginning Studies for Multiple Percussion - 10 kurze Solostücke für versch. Set-Ups mit Kl.Tr., Bck., Toms, Tria., WBl., Cowbell u.a.; leicht bis mittelschwer
21.00 €
Product no.: 063-112
High Point f. Percussion Solo - Bck., 5 TBl., Gong, Kl.Tr., 4 Toms, Gr.Tr., 2 Bongos, Barchimes; leicht
10.00 €
Product no.: 063-140
Festival Pieces for Multiple Percussion - 6 Soli (each 2-3 Min.); smal Set-Ups: Tom-Toms, Snare Drum, WBl., Cymbal., Bongos, Tria., Cowb.; easy to advanced |
11.50 €
Product no.: 063-113
Macros for Solo Percussionist - 3 kurze Sätze, Kl.Tr., Mallet Instr. (2 Schl.), Bck., 3 Toms; leicht bis mittelschwer
5.60 €
Product no.: 063-105
Prologue and Jubilo - 2 kurze Sätze, 2 Pauken (C-G), Glockenspiel, Becken; leicht
4.10 €
Product no.: 063-120
Blocks in my Tempel - 1'30 Min.; 6 Tempelblocks; leicht
3.00 €
Product no.: 063-129
Easy Percussion for Multiple Percussion (Buch + CD) - 10 progressive Stücke f. kleine Set-Ups; + Demo-CD; beginners
16.00 €
Product no.: 063-137
A Fairy Drum Walk für Percussion Setup - 3 Min.; Bongos, Snare Drum, Tomtom, Cymbals, easy |
4.70 €
Product no.: 063-135
Small Percussion Solos - 11 Solos for smallpercussion like Triangel, Cowbell, Tamburin, Cabasa, Caxixi etc., each 1 Solo for 1 Instr. in symbolic notation and normal notation; for advanced players; easy to intermediate
14.00 €
Product no.: 063-134
Starke Töne Schlagzeug - 24 S.; ausgewählte Werke f. Junior- und D1-Bereich (Snare, Drumset, Mallets, Pauken) in Zusammenarbeit mit Bläserjugend des Bundes Deutscher Blasmusikverbände; Titel von Kopetzki, Bomhof, Goldenberg, Whaley, Houllif, Knauer u.a.; easy
25.99 €