...make percussion your personal entertainment
Product no.: 044-1032
101 Christmas Songs for Bells/Glockenspiel - 92 pages; 101 Christmas Songs, 2 mallets, easy |
21.99 €
Product no.: 044-3344
Nume for Glockenspiel - 5 S.; 4 mallets, advanced |
18.00 €
Product no.: 044-1029
The Beatles for Bells/Glockenspiel - 64 pages; 60 favorite Hits frim The Beatles, arranged for bells; 2 mallets; easy |
19.90 €
Product no.: 044-1031
101 Disney Songs for Bells/Glockenspiel - 112 pages; 101 Songs from Disney films for Bells, 2 mallets, easy |
21.40 €
Product no.: 045-404
Drei Elementarstudien für Glockenspiel und Klavier - 8'30 Min, 3 unterhaltsame, farbenreiche Sätze
18.00 €
Product no.: 044-3355
Aura for Crotales and Glockenspiel - 7'30 Min.; Neue Musik, intermediate to advanced |
24.00 €
Product no.: 044-3147
Microtunes for Solo Orchestra Bells (Glockenspiel) - 2 Min.; new music; advanced
13.00 €
Product no.: 044-872
What the Stars Have Always Known for Orchestra Bells (Glockenspiel) - 4 Min.; 4 mallets, with an Improvisation part; intermediate |
15.00 €
Product no.: 044-3146
Ground for Solo Orchestra Bells (Glockenspiel) - 15 p.; 7 movements, new music; 4 mallets; advanced
48.25 €
Product no.: 044-3317
Thicket for Solo Orchestra Bells or Piano - 5 Movements, Contemporary Music, tricky rhythmic. Advanced |
47.00 €
Product no.: 044-3316
Wellspring for Solo Orchestra Bells - 3 Movements, Neue Musik, tricky rhytmic. Advanced |
39.00 €
Product no.: 044-1026
First 50 Songs you should play on the Bells/Glockenspiel - 64 pages; 50 favorite songs from pop hits and movie themes to classical melodies and folk songs; 2 mallets, easy to intermediate |
15.99 €
Product no.: 044-3402
Dances from the Nutcracker for Solo Glockenspiel - 24 pages; arrangements from music of famous ballet "Nutcracker" by Edzard Locher; advanced |
21.00 €
Product no.: 044-3132
Summit, compositions for unaccompanied orchestra bells (Glockenspiel) - 44 p.; 11 short pieces for orchestra bells by R.Mitchell, W.Ogdon, S. Smith, M. Ptaszynska, B. Johnston, J.Ch. Francois et al.; advanced |
42.00 €