Drumset methods G-H

method books (technique, exercises, etc.), alphabetical (author)

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1 - 50 of 87 results
Product no.: 022-488
Steve Gadd Transcriptions - 106 S.; Drumset Transcriptions of Steve Gadd Grooves and Solos by Krzysztof Filipski
31.00 *
Product no.: 022-511
Creative Brazilian Drumming (Book + CD) - 28 P.; Übungen und Rhythmen zu Baiao, Maracatu, Frevo und Samba; mit Play-along-Tracks; Text engl.
20.99 *
Product no.: 022-659

DG'z Notebook - 68 pages; My Path to the Groove - Ideas from a Beat Collector, advanced drumming concepts to improve your playing; Text engl.


26.00 *
Product no.: 022-213
Future Sounds (Buch + CD) - 64 Seiten, Technik im Funk/Jazz Fusion Stil für Fortgeschrittene, Four-Bar Patterns, Groove Playing, Funk Drumming, 17 Permutation Studies, 15 Groove Studies, Text engl.
25.95 *
Product no.: 022-253
Timba Funk Talking Drums (Buch + CD) - 85 S.; Buch zum Video "Talking Drums"; 3 kompl. Songs f. Drums + 2 Perc., auch zum Mitspielen auf CD; versch. Rhythmen wie Guiro, Bembe, Rumba, Mozambique u.a.; Text engl.
29.90 *
Product no.: 022-433
Groove Box für Drumset - 176 S.; für Anf. u. Fortgeschr.; Fundus an Rhythmen f. die tägliche Arbeit des Drummers; Binär, ternär, Linear, Funk, Fusion, Shuffle, Swing, u.v.a., Text deutsch.
29.80 *
Product no.: 021-114

Drum Basics Steps One & Two (Buch + CD) - 40 S.; Schulwerk nach dem gleichn. Video aus der Serie "Ultimate Beginners"; einfache Rock- u. Blues-Beats, Drum Fills, Warm-Up, 2 Play-along-Titel; Text engl.

12.95 *
Product no.: 022-559

Bigband Drumming (Book+CD+DVD) - 48 P.; Ein Praxis-Lehrgang mit Video-Tutorial für Schlagzeuger, Bandleader und Arrangeure. 50 Min. Audio-Material, ca. 90 Min. Video-Material; Text german


44.80 *
Product no.: 022-543
Popular Styles for Drumset (Buch + CD + DVD) - 48 S.; Groove-Training Bossa, Cha-Cha, Funk, Disco, Jazz, Salsa, Samba. Lernvideo u. Band-Arrangements; Übe-Tracks, Play-alongs, produziert mit Live-Instrumenten; Text deutsch.
42.90 *
Product no.: 022-596

Popular Styles for Drumset 2 (Book + CD + DVD) - 48 pages; Groove-Training Country, Rock, Reggae, Gospel, Blues Shuffle, New Orleans. Lernvideo u. Band-Arrangements; Übe-Tracks, Play-alongs, produziert mit Live-Instrumenten; Text german.


42.90 *
Product no.: 023-161

77 Groove Etudes for Big and Small Drum Set Starters (Book + MP3-CD) - 88 pp .; 77 drumset etudes, easy to medium; Text German; MP3-CD with 31 of the Etudes as audio samples

24.80 *
Product no.: 022-254
Das große Besenbuch (Buch + CD) - 60 S.; kreative Besentechniken f. alle Stile, f. Anf. u. Fortgeschr., Wischbewegungen durch farbige Diagramme dargestellt; Koordinations- u. Leseüb. f. Grooves u. Fills; Hörbeispiele, Groove-Tracks u. Play-along-S
22.90 *
Product no.: 022-505
Jazztraining (Book + DVD) - 192 S.; Lehr- und Spielbuch für Jazz Drumset; übungen f. Anfänger u. Fortgeschr, kreative Comping- & Fill-In Konzepte; High End Exercises f. Profis u.a.; Text dt.
38.00 *
Product no.: 022-114

Afro-Cuban Grooves for Bass & Drums (Buch + CD) - Funkifying the Clave - 63 Seiten, Patterns und Rhythmen: Clavé, Tumbao, Songo, Guaguanco, Cha-Cha, Mozambique; Text englisch; mit 6 Play-along-Titeln auf 90-Min.-CD

Designed for drummers and bass players, this book/CD lays out a step-by-step approach to combining Afro-Cuban rhythms with rock, funk and jazz.

39.90 *
Product no.: 022-581

Drums Technique: Phrasing - 100 P.; advanced Rudiments for Creative Drumming; from "Berkle Press" series; Video/Audio Access online; Text engl.

20.95 *
Product no.: 022-340
Hip Pockets: Developing Rock Drum Fills - 32 S.; 2-taktige Fills
8.00 *
Product no.: 022-334
Hip Pockets: Developing Your Own Jazz Feel - 32 S.; 2-taktige Grooves, Besentechnik, Spielen in der Band; Text engl.
9.95 *
Product no.: 022-623

Analyzing Gospel Chops - 104 pp.; 50 transcriptions of gospel fills by drummers like Aaron Spears, Chris Coleman, Tony Royster, etc., as well as a devised concept of his own fills in authentic style; text German

24.90 *
Product no.: 022-436

New Ways of Brazilian Drumming (Buch + CD) - 110 pages

New Ways of Brazilian Drumming presents a contemporary vision regarding Brazilian rhythms for drumset, including history and percussion scores of those rhythms, from the traditional patterns to the new concept of “Brazilian Claves” The 96 tracks CD showcases all rhythms and several exercises, besides a samba and a maracatu play-along, providing everything a musician of any country needs in order to develop an authentic Brazilian musical language.

Sample page

27.95 *
Product no.: 022-379

Advanced Jazz Drumset (DVD) - DVD mit 3 Seiten Notenbeilage; für Fortgeschrittene , Text engl.


This third DVD in the Jazz Drumming Series by Danny Gottlieb provides the student with many advanced exercises, study tips, and performance ideas. This jam packed study guide provides information and inspiration designed to help the student strive toward the professional performance level.

11.00 *
Product no.: 022-384

Advanced Rock Drumset (DVD) - DVD mit 3 Seiten Notenbeilage; für Fortgeschrittene, Text engl.

Designed as part three in the Danny’s Rock Drumming series, master drummer Danny Gottlieb discusses and demonstrates challenging rock patterns and exercises, designed to help drummers achieve their advancing musical goals. Complete with a 66-minute DVD and exercise chart.

11.00 *
Product no.: 022-378

Intermediate Jazz Drumset (DVD) - DVD mit 3 Seiten Notenbeilage; mittlerer Schwierigkeitsgrad , Text engl.

Designed to follow Jazz Drumset Basics, this second DVD by Grammy Award winning drummer Danny Gottlieb provides comprehensive exercises and examples, enabling the jazz drum student to progress to a higher performance level. Complete with exercise chart.

12.00 *
Product no.: 022-383

Intermediate Rock Drumset (DVD) - DVD mit 3 Seiten Notenbeilage; mittlerer Schwierigkeitsgrad, Text engl.

This second Rock Drumming DVD from drum great Danny Gottlieb continues the rock drumming series with intermediate exercises and patterns for the drum kit. Designed to follow Rock Drumset Basics, Danny's informative narration and examples will enable the drummer to grow to the next level. Complete with exercise chart. 64-minute DVD.

12.00 *
Product no.: 022-382

Rock Drumset Basics (DVD) - DVD mit 3 Seiten Notenbeilage; für Anfänger, Text engl.

Learn the basics of rock drumming from one of the greats! Grammy Award winning drummer Danny Gottlieb demonstrates concepts and exercises designed to develop skills essential to rock drumming. Entertaining, informative, and complete with exercise chart, this 65-minute DVD will inspire all drummers, ranging from the absolute beginner to players with a desire to improve their skills.

11.00 *
Product no.: 021-361

An die Trommel fertig los - 114 S.; Anfänger-Methode für Drumset; Rhythmusgefühl und eigene Ideen werden entwickelt,  unter Benutzung von Rhythmussprache, Silben, Klatschen und Stampfen bekommt man eine Vorstellung vom jeweiligen Rhythmus und festigt seine "innere Uhr"; Text deutsch

22.00 *
Product no.: 022-482

Big Band Drumming (Buch + 2 CDs) - 116 p.; new edition of 2019; comprehensive guide; Big Band Fills, Colours, Brushes, Notation, Big Band Charts, u.a.; Text engl./dt.

45.95 *
Product no.: 022-181
Rick's Licks (Buch + CD) for Drumset - erweiterte Neuausgabe mit CD; 68 S., Patterns, Solos, Polyrhythmik, Improvisations-Konzepte u.a.; für Fortgeschrittene, Text engl.
30.95 *
Product no.: 022-537

The Language Of Drumming  - 96 pages; System for musical expression; Warm-Ups, Snare and Pad Exercises, Drumset Letters, Words, Syntax, Advanced Language, etc.; Text engl., online audio and video for streaming or download

35.00 *
Product no.: 022-446
Drum Action – Classic Rock Grooves (Buch + CD) - 92 S.; exercises and grooves for Shuffle, Halftime-Shuffle, Reggae, Hip-Hop; + Play-along-Titeln; Text deutsch.
14.57 *
Product no.: 022-562

Extreme Metal Drumming (Book + CD) - 104 P.; Double-Bass, Blast Beat, Speed, Endurance, Metal Fills, Groove Studies, Hi-Speed Foot Patterns, Song Examples; Text engl.


24.99 *
Product no.: 022-669

Playing Techniques for Contemporary Drum Set Skills Book 1 - 96 pages; Book 1 of a 4-volume drum set curriculum; accompanying videos available for download; Text engl.

26.40 *
Product no.: 021-264

Max und die Trommelbande  - 144 S.; for beginners, Schlagzeugbuch für Kinder, mit Play-alongs als Download; Text deutsch

21.95 *
Product no.: 022-578

Dubstep Drumming (Book + MP3-CD) - 76 P.; how to apply today's programmed grooves to the drumset; Text engl.

15.50 *
Product no.: 022-597

Jazz Drumming - 144 Pages; from the "Musicians Institute"-Series: how to apply your vocabulary to Drumkit in a musical fashion; audio access included; Text engl.

26.99 *
Product no.: 022-435
Odd Meter Clave for Drumset (Buch + CD) - 78 pages

Expanding the Rhythmic Language of Cuba

Odd Meter Clave for Drumset uses a unique approach to odd time signatures, taking the tried and tested rhythms of Cuba and adjusting them to fit various meters. Beginning with an in depth study of the various claves and their qualities, moving on to the basic rhythms in 4/4 which are the templates for their odd meter counterparts.

Sample page

24.95 *
Product no.: 022-516
Rhythmic Reading for Drummers (Buch + CD) - 58 S.; rhythmische Leseübungen am Drumset, Text engl.
21.95 *
Product no.: 022-608

Exploring your creativity on the Drumset - 88 pages; Dynamics, Rate, Orchestration, Phrasing, etc.; Text engl., Online Video Access

26.50 *
Product no.: 022-602

Coordination Bits Vol. 1 - 26 Pages; Phrasing variations that result from combinations of all four extremities; Text engl./german

Click for reading

21.50 *
Product no.: 022-385
Input Output Innovation am Schlagzeug - 71 S.; Rudiments, Übungen zu Hand-Fuß-Koordination, Timing, Grooves, Beats, Improvisation, Doublebass, u.a.; Text dt.
19.95 *
Product no.: 022-443

Broken Eighth Note Feel - 54 S.; rhythms in eighth, Text engl.

25.90 *

In stock

Product no.: 022-324
World Fusion Drumming (Buch + CD) - 64 S.; Rhythmic Concepts Using the Beat, the Body and the Brain; Verbindung von Feeling aus Rock, Latin und World Music mit Technik u. Improvisation des Jazz.
25.95 *
Product no.: 022-174

New Directions Around The Drums - 191 Seiten, Übungen und Bewegungen über Snare Drum und 3 Toms, alles R-L zu spielen, keine Rudiments oder Double-Strokes, Anregungen für Soli u. Fill-Ins.


18.00 *
Product no.: 8413

Syncopated Big Band Figures Solos Vol. 1 - 32 pages; book of 1973, Jazz sight readings for Drumset, play-along CD now included

21.00 *
Product no.: 021-131
66 Drumsolos for the modern drummer (Buch + CD) - 68 S.; kl. Solostücke als Begleit- u. Fortsetzungs-Material zu "Drums Easy"; aufsteig. Schwierigkeitsgrad, versch. Stilrichtungen: Rock, Fusion, Jazz, Shuffle, Double-Bass u.a.
22.50 *
Product no.: 021-316

66 Drumsolos for the modern drummer (Book + Online Video) - 70 p.; drum solos in all styles of music in an easy-to-read format; Online Video features footage of every solo performed by author Tom Hapke  **engl. edition

31.50 *
Product no.: 021-146

Drums easy 2 (english) - 88 pages; for intermediate and advanced drummers; exercises, grooves, solos, Fils, Flams, independance, Rudimental-Rolls, Jazz Feel and more; Text english

18.00 *
Product no.: 021-130
Drums easy Band 1 - 88 S.; f. Anfänger, leicht bis mittelschwer; Übungen, Rhythmen, kl. Solostücke, Akzente, Paradiddle u.a.; Text dt. siehe auch bei DVD
20.50 *
Product no.: 021-130DV
- 88 S.; f. Anfänger, leicht bis mittelschwer; Übungen, Rhythmen, kl. Solostücke, Akzente, Paradiddle u.a.; Text dt.; **Neuausgabe mit DVD
29.95 *
Product no.: 022-205
Rhythmic Illusions (Book + CD) for Drumset- 70 S.; Beat Displacement, Subdivisions, Rhythmic Scales, Rhythmic Modulations u.a.; für Fortgeschrittene; Text engl.
35.95 *
Product no.: 022-283
für Drumset - 76 S.; für Fortgeschrittene; Ostinato Übungen, Polyrhythmik, Displacements, Fragmentation, Swing-Übungen u.a.; Text engl.
36.95 *
* Prices incl. VAT, plus Shipping
1 - 50 of 87 results