

...specialist for music, CDs, DVDs, Sticks and Mallets for Drums & Percussion

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Herbert Brandt and his team


New Steinbauer, Johannes: Ma'Rita for Vibraphone Solo

Product no.: 046-570

Ma'Rita for Vibraphone Solo - 8 Min.; 4 mallets, advanced


19.95 *

New Zuraj, Vito: Top spin for Percussion Trio

Product no.: 080-391

Top spin for Percussion Trio - 13 Min.; 9 metal tubes, 9 wooden bars, 9 hand drums, 3 spring drums; advanced


34.90 *

New Mennens, Henk: Percusion All-In Timpani 2

Product no.: 031-038

Percussion All-In Timpani 2 - 60 pages; beginner method f. 2 - 4 timpani: theory, sight reading, etudes, solos, ensemble pieces; revised edition of 2024, german text.

24.20 *

New Kirchner, Florian: First Strike for Drumset Solo

Product no.: 025-154

First Strike für Drumset Solo - 10 action drum solos for young drummers, each 1-2 Min.; easy

15.00 *

New Furthner, Rainer: Little Drummerboy for Marching Snare Drum

Product no.: 014-507

Little Drummerboy for Marching Snare Drum - 3'30 Min.; Rudimental Stick Trick Solo, advanced


28.90 *

New Kurmann, Marco: Step by Step on Drums Band 4

Product no.: 021-369

Step by Step on Drums Band 4 - 172 S.; Vierter Band der Anfängerschule für Kinder, große Notenschrift, viele farbige Bilder, kaum Text, langsam voranschreitend; Text deutsch

28.00 *

New Genin, Vladimir: David vs Goliath for Violin and Marimba/Percussion

Product no.: 068-739

David vs Goliath for Violin and Marimba/Percussion - 13 Min.; Neue Musik, advanced; Marimba A-c4, Bass Drum, Tom Tom, Djembe, Snare Drum, 2 Bongos, Cowbell, Woodbl., Tobilleraband, 3 cymbals

Youtube-Video 1

Youtube-Video 2

25.00 *

New Bach, J.S./Roderburg, C.: Suite G-Dur BWV 1007 für Marimba

Product no.: 044-669

Suite G-Dur BWV 1007 für Marimba - Einrichtung der Cello-Suite für Marimba; schwer

Arranger: Christian Roderburg 

Grade: Medium-Difficult | Requirements: 5.0 octave Marimba, 4 Mallets

About: the first and best-known cello suite arranged for marimba with the following sequence of movements: Prélude, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Menuet I & II, Gigue

16.90 *

New Niinimäki, Jani: Lauferei Solo for 4 Timpani

Product no.: 034-454

Lauferei Solo for 4 Timpani - ca. 6 Min.; 4 timpani, advanced


19.00 *

Eisenhauer, Gerwin: The Christmas Drum Book Vol. 2

Product no.: 024-1283

The Christmas Drum Book Vol. 2 - 36 pages; christmas songs in modern rhythms as Play-alongs for Drumset or Snare Drum solo; Text german; Audios for download

18.80 *

Rohema Musikhexen (Music Witches) Set

Product no.: 200-600

Rohema Musikhexen (Music Witches) Set - für Kinder ab 1 Jahr: 9 Instrumente im Stoffbeutel: Pilzshaker, Mini Shaker, Junior Maracas, Klanghölzer, Glockenstab, Guiro Röhrentrommel, Junior Schellenkranz; + Musikhexen-Karten

44.90 *

Waltersdorfer, Leonhard: Alle Jahre Vibra

Product no.: 046-561

Alle Jahre Vibra - 28 pages; six german and austrian christmas carols in Jazz-Style arranged for Vibraphone Solo, includes a written out improvisation; intermediate to advanced

32.00 *

Kopetzki, Eckhard: Delighted for Drum Set Solo and Percussion Ensemble

Product no.: 100-2038

Delighted for Drum Set Solo and Percussion Ensemble - ca. 7 Min.; Drumset, 6 Toms Toms, Afuche, Bass Drum, Snare Drum, Agogo Bells, cymbals, cowbell, Glissando Gong; intermediate

21.50 *

Kopetzki, Eckhard: 2 Body Percussion Duos

Product no.: 151-016

2 Body Percussion Duos - 2 easy Duos: Holzzipf Duo + Waltz, Buddy

9.00 *

Kirchner, Florian: Two Drum Solos in Oddtime Metres for Drumset

Product no.: 025-372

Two Drum Solos in Oddtime Metres for Drumset - Two Drumset Soli: 1. Funkin' in Five (3'40 Min.; Solo in 5/4); 2. Swingin' in Seven (3'30 Min.; Solo in 7/4); intermediate to advanced


12.00 *

Piccon, Daniel: Two Lyrical Pieces for Marimba

Product no.: 044-916

Two Lyrical Pieces for Marimba - 2 pieces for Solo Marimba: 1. Little Butterly ( 2'15 Min.), 2. White Mist (2'45 Min.); 4 mallets, A-Marimba (4.3-Octave); intermediate

MP3 Little Butterfly

MP3 White Mist

12.00 *

Ihle,Konstanze/Landenberger,Elke: Komm doch mit in den Zoo

Product no.: 011-169

Komm doch mit in den Zoo - 32 S.; Trommel- und Rhythmusschule für Kinder; Text deutsch

14.90 *

Wohner, Markus: Junior Beats for Kids

Product no.: 021-368

Junior Beats for Kids - 22 pages; exercises, rhythms and solos in different styles, Text german


15.90 *

Zimmermann, Thomas: Insane Drum Sheets

Product no.: 025-279

Insane Drum Sheets - 14 solo performances, work as a pure solo, but there are also backing tracks to play along with (stream or download); medium to difficult

14.90 *

Monroe, Brian: Three Ragtime Quintets

Product no.: 100-2036

Three Ragtime Quintets - 3 Ragtimes for bells, Xylo, 2 Marimba players (on one Marimba), Drumset; intermediate

22.00 *

Holloway, Greg: 21 Progressive Duets for Snare Drum and Timpani

Product no.: 070-282

21 Progressive Duets for Snare Drum and Timpani - 44 pages; 21 duets for Snare and 2 timpani; easy to intermediate

Written for snare drum and two timpani, this collection provides the teacher and student material used in developing skills necessary to perform in ensembles. Another great collection by master teacher and performer Greg Holloway

29.50 *

Walden, Narada Michael: Drumming, Spirit and Music

Product no.: 029-609

Drumming, Spirit and Music - 238 pages; biographical, historical and educational book on the drumming of Narada Michael Walden by Aubrey Dayle; 10 songs note-for-note transcriptions; Text engl.

Video Preview

34.50 *

Friedman, David: Lyrical Studies for The Contemporary Vibraphonist

Product no.: 043-089

Lyrical Studies for The Contemporary Vibraphonist - 38 pages; 12 solos and etudes for Vibraphone; Phrasing, Pedaling, focus on lyrical playing; intermediate/advanced


38.00 *

Eng, Joey: Square One for Marimba Solo

Product no.: 044-3425

Square One for Marimba Solo - 7 Min.; 5-Oktav-Marimba, 4 mallets; 


Square One is a challenging marimba solo that showcases a performer’s virtuosity and endurance. The piece is built upon a singular rhythmic pattern

33.00 *

Burton, Gary: Learning to Listen: The Jazz Journey of Gary Burton

Product no.: 042-089

Learning to Listen: The Jazz Journey of Gary Burton - 386 pages.; an Autobiography of 2013; Text engl.

42.50 *

Abe, Keiko: My Marimba Works

Product no.: 042-088

My Marimba Works - An Approach to Interpretation and Expression - 244 pages; 69 published works including solos, concerti, marimba duos, marimba ensembles, as well as works for marimba with percussion ensembles, orchestras, and wind ensembles are discussed in detail with insightful interpretive concepts and helpful technical suggestions by the composer, Editors: Eri Yamashita & Michael Udow; Text engl.

42.50 *

Humphrey,Ralph/Porcaro,Joe: Playing Techniques - Book 1

Product no.: 022-669

Playing Techniques for Contemporary Drum Set Skills Book 1 - 96 pages; Book 1 of a 4-volume drum set curriculum; accompanying videos available for download; Text engl.

26.40 *

Drum sticks Rohema RAC White

Product no.: 191-855

Rohema RAC White - Allan Craig Signature Marching Stick, Hard Maple, lacquered, acorn tip, 405 x 18,3mm

16.90 / pair(s) *

Mallets Malletech Chien Chien Lu CCL-13

Product no.: 193-159

Malletech Chien Chien Lu CCL-13 - for Vibraphone, medium hard, big, heavy head, short Rattan-handle  34 cm

79.00 / pair(s) *

Kopetzki, Eckhard: Groove Box for Drumset

Product no.: 025-278

Groove Box for Drumset - 10 Soli in different Styles; intermediate

13.80 *

Rohwer, Nils: New African Dance for Percussion Quartet

Product no.: 090-1049

New African Dance for Percussion Quartet - 4 Min.; Relaunch from the Trio African Dance as a Quartet. Marimba, 4,3 oct. 3 Woodblocks, Djembe, Bongo, Shaker Cowbell, Talking Drum or Berimbau Easy to medium playing grade 4 min.

20.00 *

Brenner, Jochen: Sonata for Timpani

Product no.: 034-452

Sonate für Pauken - 3 Movements; 5 Pauken + 1 Crotale in c, 1 Cymbal, 1 Superball, 1 bow; advanced

10.70 *

Grund, Manuel: Gustavs Trommelschule Band 1

Product no.: 011-168

Gustavs Trommelschule Band 1 - Schlagzeugschule für Anfänger, enthält Etüden und Duos, dazu 2 Begleithefte für Melodieinstrument in C und Klavier/Marimba/Drumset-Begleitung; Text deutsch

16.90 *

Owens Jr., Ulysses: Jazz Big Band for the Modern Drummer

Product no.: 022-667

Jazz Big Band for the Modern Drummer - 112 pages; The difference between combo versus big band drumming, Standard and modern big band grooves, Big band chart vocabulary, Orchestrating on the drum kit, Choosing the right gear, Auditioning for high school and college big bands, includes access to audio tracks online; Text engl.

37.50 *

Tomasin, Barbara/Fiorin, Dimitri: Timpanista all'Opera Vol. 1

Product no.: 050-106

Timpanista all'Opera Vol. 1 - 74 pages; timpani parts of 3 operas byVerdi: Traviata, Ernani, Don Carlos; edited and adapted to the possibilities of modern pedal timpani; Text italian/english

57.90 *

Sejourne, Emmanuel: Elyl & Tap for Marimba and Tape

Product no.: 044-3422

Elyl & Tap for Marimba and Tape - 7 Min.; a tribute to Lyle Mays and Pat Metheny; advanced


38.90 *

Schmid, Sebastian: ONECajon

Product no.: 061-376

ONECajon - 44 pages, The pop/rock method for cajon - ideal as a supplement to drumset lessons, Text english/deutsch

29.90 *

Schmid, Sebastian: SOLOCajon

Product no.: 061-377

SOLOCajon – 20 pages; 15 pop/rock solos for cajon - with increasing levels of difficulty; Text english/deutsch

19.90 *

Karas, Sperie: A Tribute to Charley

Product no.: 013-143

A Tribute to Charley - 64 S.; 50 Rudimental Solos als Hommage an Charley Wilcoxon, mittel bis schwer, auch ungerade Taktarten und Jazz-Feeling; Text englisch/german

14.95 *

Schmid, Sebastian: The Four Etudes for Audition Presentation

Product no.: 050-103

The Four Etudes for Audition Presentation - for Orchestral Auditions: Tambur-Ille for Tambourine, Tre-Angoli for Triangle, Cymba-Line for cymbal pair, Double-Pack for Bass Drum with mounted cymbal




12.00 *

Weitzel, Arend: Pauken Basics

Product no.: 032-032

Pauken Basics - 32 pages; very basics of timpani playing: posture, sound production, mallet grips, mallet guidance and direction as well as playing on 2 and 4 timpani; Text german/english

19.80 *

Nickel, Jost: Beginner Book for Drumset

Product no.: 021-360

Beginner Book for Drumset - 144 S.; für Anfänger, Grooves, Fills, Duette, Ghostnotes, Cross Stick, Rimshots u.a.; + Audio files online; Text deutsch

from 24.95 *

Carman, Tim: Philly-ISM

Product no.: 022-666

Philly-ISM - 224 pages; methode about drumming of Philly Joe Jones, 18 Solos, Paradiddle sticking, Permutations, Orchestration, Subdivision and much more; Audio Tracks Online Download; Text english


30.90 *

Bach/Milkov, Theodor: Discovering the Hidden Polyphony behind Bach's Complete Cello Suites

Product no.: 044-3418

Discovering the Hidden Polyphony behind Bach's Complete Cello Suites - 148 pages; Arrangement of the cello suites for 5-octave marimba, taking into account the hidden polyphony in a monophonic melody line; Text engl.

75.00 *
* Prices incl. VAT, plus Shipping